Academic Staff Assembly Agenda 09-12-16

Academic Staff Assembly Meeting
Monday, September 12, 2016
3:30 to 5:00 p.m., 272 Bascom Hall


**ASPRO Cookies and Coffee from 2:45 pm until 3:30 pm in 2nd Floor Rotunda Bascom Hall**
**Pre-Assembly Meeting Orientation starting at 3:00 in 272 Bascom Hall**
**Food Drive for Student Food Pantry, Open Seat**

3:30    Call To Order: Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

3:31    Memorial Resolution for Art Hove (ASA #612)

3:35    Automatic Consent Business

Approval of the Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, May 9, 2016

3:36    Guest: Elizabeth Foste, President, Madison Academic Staff Network (formerly Madison Academic Staff Association)

3:42    Guest: Kathi Kilgore, Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO)

3:50    Guest: Steve Smith, Secretary of the Faculty (Changes to Academic Calendar) (ASA #613)

4:05    Standing Committee and Other Reports

Note: The ASEC and Assembly Standing Committee chairs are available at this time
to report and answer questions concerning current committee activities.
-    ASEC –Kevin Niemi/Bruno Browning
-    Communications Committee –Matt Call
-    Districting and Representation Committee (DRC) – Ian Benton/Gene Masters
-    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) –Jason Jankoski
-    Mentoring Committee –Linnea Burk/Heather Weltin
-    Nominating Committee –Sheila Stoeckel/Tom Browne/Becky Beebe
-    Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC) – Carol Pech/Linda Scholl
-    Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) – Stephanie Kutz/Nick Ewoldt
-    Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO)

4:25    Business
ASEC Committee Member (ASA #614) – For Vote
Resolution Calling UW System President and Board of Regents to Action (ASA #615) – For Vote
Report on 2015-16 Academic Staff Assembly Business (ASA #616)

4:50    Vice Chancellor Heller Report

5:00    Adjourn

ASA Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff