University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-08-29
Minutes passed September 12, 2016
Minutes for August 29, 2016 – approved as amended
UC members present: Amasino, Bowers, Broman, Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt (chair)
Others present: S. Smith, J. Richard, M. Felber, J. O’Meara, C. Hampton, B. Maas, H. Daniels, O. Arain
Chair Amy Wendt called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. Anja Wanner updated the UC on the HLC compliance committee; Secretary Steve Smith updated the UC on the first meetings of the budget and ad hoc equitable health care committees; Ruth Litovsky updated the UC on the HR director search and screen committee. Wendt called attention to the Women’s Faculty Mentoring Program annual report. Litovsky raised issue of events being scheduled on religious holidays. Ample discussion resulted in suggestions to include information on various calendars and at various event-hosting venues. Litovsky also reported that the chancellor’s idea for small-group, unit-driven conversations about climate and inclusion will be piloted this fall. More student engagement and possibly facilitation resources desirable but beyond current capabilities. Minutes of the meeting of July 25, 2016, approved as amended.
Jack O’Meara pointed out that the PROFS Board meeting prior to the UC meeting covered most of the legislative update topics. PROFS is moving ahead with discussion of performance-based funding and will meet with Ray Cross and the governor’s office. Wendt reviewed the process to date on moving the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP). UC consensus to move recommendation forward to Senate, but to discuss unrelated section on Office of Industrial Partnerships separately. Wendt provided background and context on mark-up document with suggested modifications to post-tenure review policy. Ample discussion. UC consensus to have first reading at September Senate meeting and vote in November.
Vice Provost and Chief Diversity Officer Patrick Sims presented the final version of the campus statement on diversity. Now reviewed at all levels, the essence of the document is to affirm the university’s commitment in writing in order to galvanize respective efforts. Sims would like the statement to be presented by a member of each shared governance body to that body for endorsement. UC agreed and will add it to the Senate agenda in September. The UC congratulated Sims and his unit’s staff on the well-done, “short and sweet” statement, noting its strength is that it affirms diversity as a good itself that benefits everyone and is supportive of our mission in a variety of valuable ways. Concluding discussion about how best to distribute and brand the statement across campus.
Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf and VCFA Laurent Heller were joined by Michael Lehman (by phone) and Rafi Lazimy (ITC chair) to discuss campus IT governance structure. Lehman referred to materials distributed earlier (diagram and email explanation) for background and sense of what they are intending to do. Opportunity presented with retirements and new VCFA to review expenditures and structure. Small transition team (Lazimy, Maas, DoIT, others) combined with new broad governance groups. UC wants to ensure that new process/transition involves ample and appropriate representation of faculty viewpoints with respect to research and instructional needs. Lehman assured the UC that this is central; user-focused groups will deeply examine needs of communities (core infrastructure, research, teaching and learning). Those three “boxes” and ITC augmented by Steering Committee to provide “tie break.” Steering Committee (with reps from each of four user-based groups) will work with UC and others closely. Current thinking is that ITC will be very similar to what it is today in terms of charter, but expanded membership with stronger faculty representation – work with outputs of the user groups and prioritize and understand trade-offs and impacts. Desire to move away from technologists making decisions toward customer-based governance. This is not just organizational restructuring, but cultural change to a service-centric focus, aligning value of IT services to missions and objectives of university, all based on deeper understanding of what needs, incentives are. Ample discussion. UC continues to be very supportive, emphasizing broad participation, targeted selection of membership of different “boxes,” and reliance on content experts.
Chancellor Rebecca Blank acknowledged the start of the new VCFA and a new interim police chief (Brian Bridges, formerly Chief Riseling’s #2). Blank reviewed activities (new faculty orientation, leadership summit, convocation, move-in). Top item on campus agenda as we head into the fall is diversity. Blank talking at length with chairs and research directors, among others. Communication is critical and crucial component. Complete list of initiatives being developed; have started pilot of Wisconsin program for about 1000 freshmen; all units asked, in light of campus and national issues, to do some form of diversity and climate dialogue during year; provost has compiled list of resources. On September 1, Michael Lehman will be appointed special assistant to the chancellor on IT issues; for efficiency and effectiveness reasons, but also for security concerns, this is a high priority. Campuswide budget forum will be held September 14. The chancellor has extended an invitation to faculty and senior staff for a new program inviting those with connections to Wisconsin communities to help with messaging. In a similar vein, the WAA’s Project 72 has identified prominent alumni in all counties to publicize UW impact in local communities. Blank updated the UC on compensation efforts for faculty and staff, about which more information will be coming soon, and on the UW System/Board of Regents budget request. Ample discussion of budget request elements and reactions. Wendt updated the chancellor on the progress of revisions to post-tenure review policy. Discussion about developments since the vote of no confidence and the relationship with System and Cross. Blank and Chief-of-Staff Matt Mayrl outlined campus policy on political campaign events.
Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff Michael Bernard-Donals provided information on proposed pay tools, increments, and compensation. More funds than last year in essentially the same categories. Ample discussion. Bernard-Donals and the UC discussed charge to the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits, as well as connections among that committee, the Budget Committee, and the offices of the VCFA and HR director. This was followed by a discussion of clusters.
Litovsky moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion seconded and passed at 3:31 p.m. The UC discussed parameters for the WI School of Business dean search and screen committee with the provost. After her departure, the UC nominated 9 faculty and several backups for this search and one faculty member to the Health Care Advisory Committee. The UC approved one dual role waiver for the impending semester. The UC deferred to its next meeting discussion of a draft memo to L&S on salary equity review and nomination of new members to the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits. The UC nominated one of the faculty members of the new shared governance Budget Committee to serve as chair. Litovsky moved to reconvene in open session. Seconded and passed at 4:31 p.m. and Wendt adjourned the meeting immediately thereafter.
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