WiscWeb - Setting Your Homepage

This document will walk you through the process of setting the "front page" or homepage of your website.

In this document:


When you first begin building your UW Theme site, the main landing page, or homepage, is set to the default posts list. You will want to set a specific page to be the main landing page of your site.


There are several items to be aware of before you can set your homepage.

  • You must first create a page in the Pages section and publish it so that it can be used. An unpublished page cannot be set as your homepage.
  • Only site administrators have the ability to set the homepage for a site.

Setting your homepage

  1. From the Dashboard, click on Appearance
  2. Click on Customize

    To locate the Customizer, click on Appearance and then Customize

  3. Click on Homepage Settings

    Choose homepage settings

  4. Under Your homepage displays, choose the "A static page" option

    Choose the "a static page" option under the Your Homepage Displays area

  5. Select the page you'd like as the homepage from the drop down list.
  6. Click the blue Publish button

landing, blog, homepage, home page, main page, front page, main 
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Owned by:
Matt G. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb