Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 10-27-16

ASEC Agenda
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, October 27, 2016
**52 Bascom Hall**

2:00    Call To Order/Agenda Review

2:01    Guest: Charlie Hoslet, Vice Chancellor for University Relations

2:30    Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost

3:00    Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointment to the HLC Accreditation Advisory Team

3:05    Automatic Consent Business

Approval of ASEC minutes of Thursday, October 20, 2016

3:06    Announcements/Updates/Good Works

3:11    Assembly Standing Committee Chair Reports

(All Assembly Standing Committees are invited to give reports as necessary for the conduct of academic staff governance.  If you are unable to attend, but have a report, please contact the Secretary of the Academic Staff Office at
-    Communications Committee – Matthew Call
-    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) – Jason Jankoski/Carol Van Hulle
-    Districting and Representation Committee (DRC) – Ian Benton/Gene Masters
-    Mentoring Committee – Linnea Burk/Heather Weltin
-    Nominating Committee – Tom Browne/Sheila Stoeckel/Rebecca Beebe
-    Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC) – Carol Pech/Linda Scholl
-    Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) – Stephanie Kutz/Nick Ewoldt
-    Ad Hoc Committee on Category B Salary Compression – Ilia Guzei/Jeannine Nicolai-Heckmann
-    Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Degree Requirements – Mara Eisch/Mary Thompson

3:16    General Reports
•    Vice Chair – Bruno Browning
•    Secretary of the Academic Staff – Heather Daniels

3:21    Liaison Reports

3:26    Business

•    Appointment-for vote
•    UW System Consensual Relationship Policy
•    Open Letter to Wisconsin Taxpayers
•    Resolution Regarding Pay Plan
•    November Assembly Agenda
•    Topics for Provost and Vice Chancellor
•    Next ASEC Meeting, November 3, 2016
-November Assembly Agenda-for approval
-December Assembly Agenda
-Guests: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost; Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration; and Ian Robertson, Dean of School of Engineering (Professor of Practice)
4:30    Adjourn

ASEC Agenda 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff