NS-WAN Team Meeting Minutes 10-27-16

Summary of NS-WAN Team Meeting Thursday 10-27-16

Attendees: Chih Chen, Michael Hare, Pat Christian, Mike Blodgett, Dan Parenteau, Paul Nazario

Unable to attends: Bill Jensen (SC16)

  1. Chen project/activity handoffs

    1. UWC-Fond du Lac fiber connectivity (Dan)

    2. Upham Woods CPE testing with bi-di optics & turn-up (Mike B)

      1. Jason Nero wants dual power supply

      2. Chen suggested considering NO CPE

    3. DDI (DNS/DHCP/IPAM) Infoblox project (Tim Czerwonka – new hire)

    4. DC power upgrades at CSSC data center (Mike B/WEJ)

    5. UW-Colleges on building their redundant data center at UWC-Barron County (Paul/Michael)

    6. eVPN for UWGB-UWW (Michael H)

    7. UWRF dual connectivity to SysNet w/ Jason Winget (Paul/Michael H)

    8. BTAA OmniPoP (Paul, Dan)

    9. Internet2 NTAC participation (Paul, Michael H)

    10. MadIX (Network222) X-connects (Mike B/Paul N)

    11. MICE (quarterly) user group (Michael H/Paul)

      1. Chen recommends we becoming members

    12. Research & other settlement-free peering setup & troubleshooting (e.g. LHCONE) (Paul/Michael H) 

  1. SysNet CapEX budget discussion (*may* have additional CapEX funds available)

  • Group discussed potential hardware purchases such as: Cisco ASR900 (small site PE), lab Glimmerglass switch, 100Gbps switch at 432 ECAM, optical kits need replacement/refurbishment, small kit (small labeler/OTDR kit w/o cart to haul around);

  • Sheboygan add/drop device in hut for UWC-Sheboygan network add/drop

  • light 2nd fiber pair between UWEC-UWMSN, “redo Tomah node”

  • purchase DC power installation/maintenance tools & supplies

  • Purchase tunable optical pluggables & muxes

  • Add 2nd 10Gbps (20Gbps total) connectivity @ 511 Bldg in MPLS to MKE

  • Redundant riser @ 511 Bldg in MPLS and/or short-wave WDM/mux from our cage to MICE exchange

  • Participate in 511 MICE Board, 100Gbps switch @ 511 Bldg

  • MX104 for lab and/or MICs


  1. We will buy this ASAP: Juniper MX104 redundant routing engine (RE) & flash acquisition/project



100 USB memory sticks: Kingston Digital DataTraveler SE9 8GB USB 2.0 (DTSE9H/8GBZET)

(Michael) 8GB USB FOB


Techstore single price as $5.95.  Amazon single price is $4.29.



  • See attached Juniper redundant RE quote (~$71k)

  • Discussion of project scope (scheduling, lab test & code upgrades, shipping/coordination with 11 UW locations, instrumentation, MX104 configuration changes once RE is installed) 

  1. New hire status/discussion

    1. Tim Czerwonka joining coming on board 11/21/16

      1. Projects: Stats box proposal & VoIP QoS instrumentation issues, Ramp up/help on DDI project, Juniper training

    2. Other hire - still in consideration phase


  1. UW-Colleges data center at UWC-Barron (Paul/Michael); we'll provision pseudo wire, eVPN and/or other solutions as needed in January (no additional capacity required at this time)

  2. Agile training 12/15 – 12/16 @ Carson Gulley Center - 1510 Tripp Circle (interest? 32 seats)


  3. Next (last of 2016) WAN Team meeting will be 12/8/16 (11/10/16 several people out & 11/24 is Thanksgiving)

network services, NS-WAN, "WAN Team", meeting notes 
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Pat C. in Network Services
Network Services