Infoblox DHCP: Add a new dynamic range
Infoblox DHCP: Add a new dynamic range
* Navigate to Data Management -> DHCP -> Networks -> Network. Choose the network you wish to add a range to
* Click the '+' sign. Choose 'Range'.
* Add IPv4 Range Wizard - Step 1 of 5
- Choose 'Add Range'
BLOCKER: Templates can pre-fill data on steps 2 through 4. We're not sure how many templates we should have and I suspect the correct answer will vary as we gain experience. For example, we may choose to create templates for various DHCP network classes such as VoIP subnets.
* Add IPv4 Range Wizard - Step 2 of 5
- Fill out the start and end IP addresses
* Add IPv4 Range Wizard - Step 3 of 5
- Choose 'IPv4 DHCP Failover Association' of 'DoIT DHCP' with the 'Select Association' button.
* Add IPv4 Range Wizard - Step 4 of 6 (Yes, it really did change from 'of 5' to 'of 6' in the GUI)
- Set appropriate lease time, routers (default gateway), domain name, DNS Servers
- Broadcast address can be left blank.
- If you need to set other DHCP options, you will need to do this after creation of the network. See: [Link for document 68646 is unavailable at this time]
- Normally you can just click Save & Close. You may choose next to step through extensible attributes and delayed scheduling (not documented here)
- You will need to restart DHCP for your changes to take affect. Finish by following procedures at Infoblox: Restart services