Add new Instance to CE Word Press site

Steps to add new instance.

How to add a new Instance (new course page) for reoccurring programs 

  1. Log-in to DPPD’s Word Press (WP) site 
  2. Select Instances 
  3. Select the “Add New” button at top of page 
    Add new Instance screenshot
Instance status screenshot
  • For Save the Date (StD) you will need: 
    • Title 
    • PD (curriculum name) 
    • Course fees 
    • Start/end dates 
    • Location (not required, but otherwise will list as “online”) 
  • To create "Active" page, complete all of the above and as many as the "steps" below as possible.

Add new instance steps 1-3
  1. Enter title. For the Instance, this can have the year and common name as its for internal use, customers won’t see this name. 
  2. Select the Category of the program 
    1. you need the upper level (i.e. Healthcare Industry, Industry, Pharmacists, etc. )
    2. the type of program it is (blended, conferences, short courses, etc.) 
  3. PD – find the name of the Annual program from the dropdown list. 
  4. Subtitle: The title for the given year (usually related to the topic) 
    add new instance steps 4-9 screenshot
  5. Instance Status: Save the Date 
  6. Course Waitlist (likely will be “No”) 
  7. Course Fees 
  8. Start Date: 1st day of program 
  9. End date: last day of program (yes, this will be the same as start date on one day programs) 
  10. Registration URL: can skip if StD 
    add new instance steps 10-14 screenshot

  11. Register by: Enter the last day they can register, often the first day of the program. This will automate the course disappearing after the program has begun. 
  12. Co-Sponsor: if you have logos you can add or leave until you want to Activate the course. 
  13. Location: Enter city or area in not set yet, if left blank will show “Online” icon. 
  14. Those are the only sections that need to be completed for “Save the Date”. Scroll back to the top of the page and select “Publish”

wordpress, instance, new page, new course, dppd 
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Owned by:
Amy C. in School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy