Add new Instance to CE Word Press site
Steps to add new instance.
How to add a new Instance (new course page) for reoccurring programs
- Log-in to DPPD’s Word Press (WP) site
- Select Instances
- Select the “Add New” button at top of page
- For Save the Date (StD) you will need:
- Title
- PD (curriculum name)
- Course fees
- Start/end dates
- Location (not required, but otherwise will list as “online”)
- To create "Active" page, complete all of the above and as many as the "steps" below as possible.

- Enter title. For the Instance, this can have the year and common name as its for internal use, customers won’t see this name.
- Select the Category of the program
- you need the upper level (i.e. Healthcare Industry, Industry, Pharmacists, etc. )
AND - the type of program it is (blended, conferences, short courses, etc.)
- PD – find the name of the Annual program from the dropdown list.
- Subtitle: The title for the given year (usually related to the topic)
- Instance Status: Save the Date
- Course Waitlist (likely will be “No”)
- Course Fees
- Start Date: 1st day of program
- End date: last day of program (yes, this will be the same as start date on one day programs)
- Registration URL: can skip if StD
- Register by: Enter the last day they can register, often the first day of the program. This will automate the course disappearing after the program has begun.
- Co-Sponsor: if you have logos you can add or leave until you want to Activate the course.
- Location: Enter city or area in not set yet, if left blank will show “Online” icon.
- Those are the only sections that need to be completed for “Save the Date”. Scroll back to the top of the page and select “Publish”