Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 11-14-16
Approved 12-12-16
Vice Provost Michael Bernard-Donals called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, October 10, 2016, were approved.
Guests: Sherry Boeger and Susan Fuszard, Employee Assistance Office, and Jo Ann Carr, Ombuds Office
Sherry Boeger presented the annual report from 2015-16 for the Employee Assistance Office (EAO). The top concerns of employees visiting the office last year include job-related stress, psychological and emotional concerns, occupational/career-related concerns and marital/relationship concerns. Sherry introduced the newest consultant at EAO, Susan Fuszard. Susan spoke briefly about a program for faculty and staff about suicide prevention. She also mentioned a financial fitness challenge that is available free through Employee Trust Funds (
Jo Ann Carr presented the Ombuds Office annual report from 2015-16. The other Ombuds include: Rosa Garner, Dale Burke, John Dowling, and Chuck Snowdon. The key issues this office addressed with visitors this past year are evaluative relationships, peer and colleague relationships, and career progress and development. 16% of the cases involved Hostile and Intimidating Behavior. The number of visitors to the office increased by 90%, which was in part due to the SMPH employees now visiting this Ombuds office rather than employing their own Ombuds. The office plans to provide more data on the academic staff use of the office next year. Concerns for next year include hostile and intimidating behavior; gender, age or race discrimination; workplace concerns for graduate students; and concerns over changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Guests: Rebecca Scheller and Bret Larget, Committee on Women in the University
Rebecca Scheller and Bret Larget presented the annual report from 2015-16 for the Committee on Women in the University. The Committee on Women in the University has three primary functions including: recommendations to improve the status of women, collaboration across campus, and evaluating the status of women employees. The committee’s accomplishments from last year include submitting a proposal regarding strategic planning for childcare on campus to the Provost and Chancellor; helping to shape the sexual assault and misconduct resolutions passed by various governance bodies; and looking at academic staff salaries in addition to faculty salaries. The committee has three goals for the upcoming year. These include supporting diversity and inclusion efforts on campus climate, support for parents, and women faculty retention. The committee could use more gender diversity.
Guest: Patrick Sheehan, Director of Workforce Relations, Office of Human Resources
Patrick Sheehan presented the policy on minor protection and adult leaders. UW System is requiring all campuses to develop a policy regarding minor protection. The policy is based on a template provided to the campus by UW System. The policy states that one-on-one contact between adults and minors is prohibited. There are some exceptions to this, including one-on-one tutoring sessions. Other exceptions not mentioned explicitly in the policy can be granted by the Office of Human Resources. The policy does not apply to human subjects research or public events.
Standing Committee and Other Reports
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Kevin Niemi reminded the Assembly that the petition to change the boundaries of district sizes was available for signature in the back of the room. The 2017 Academic Staff Institute will be held on Wednesday, March 1. Kevin thanked members of the Assembly who have volunteered to assist with planning the event. The Distinguished Prefix packets are due to the Secretary of the Academic Staff Office on Wednesday, February 1. More information is available at In addition, nominations are currently being solicited for the UW-Madison Academic Staff Excellence Awards and the UW System Awards. The deadline for UW-Madison awards is Friday, January 13, and the deadline for the UW System awards is Friday, January 6. All nominations must be entered online at More information can be found at In regards to the Titling and Total Compensation study, there are plans to have a consultant in place by March 1.
Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – Michael Moscicke reported on the 2016 election results. The Republicans gained one seat in the Assembly. Robin Vos is likely to be elected as the Assembly leader. The Republicans also gained one seat in the Senate. In addition, the seat currently held by Jennifer Schilling may face a recount, which could flip an additional seat to the republicans. ASPRO is currently monitoring efforts in the area of self-insurance as well as campus carry.
Resolution Requesting Pay Plan for UW-Madison for 2017-2019 Biennial Budget
Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved the Academic Staff Assembly approve the Resolution Requesting a Pay Plan for UW-Madison for the 2017-2019 Biennial Budget. Seconded. Approved.
Changes to Distinguished Prefix Guidelines
Robert Newsom (ASEC) moved the Academic Staff Assembly approve changes to the Distinguished Prefix Guidelines. Seconded. Approved.
Discussion on Assembly Guests
Kevin Niemi, ASEC chair, led a discussion with the Assembly regarding whether guests should be should be kept to their time frame to keep the Assembly agenda moving on time. The general sentiment was that the Assembly would like to keep things fluid, but the presiding officer should feel empowered to cut off presentations or questions of guests if the body is falling behind schedule.
Vice Provost Report
Michael Bernard-Donals announced that the new Office of Human Resources Director will be Wayne Guthrie. He will begin his new position on January 9. He also mentioned the implementation of the Minimum Qualifications of Instructors Policy. The policy was needed for compliance with the Higher Learning Commission standards. Academic staff who don’t have an instructional appointment will need one to teach. This can be a $0 appointment. Departments don’t need to specifically request exemptions, but can enter the reasons why someone is qualified to teach if they don’t meet the degree requirements into HRS.
In April 2015, the Faculty Commission on Compensation and Economic Benefits made recommendations to the Faculty Senate for faculty family leave. There was a remark made at that time suggesting that family leave recommendations must include all employees. An ad hoc committee has been put together, and Vice Provost Bernard-Donals is working on a charge for the committee.
Adjourned at 4:23 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, November 14, 2016
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
272 Bascom Hall
Monday, November 14, 2016
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.
Vice Provost Michael Bernard-Donals called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m.
Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, October 10, 2016, were approved.
Guests: Sherry Boeger and Susan Fuszard, Employee Assistance Office, and Jo Ann Carr, Ombuds Office
Sherry Boeger presented the annual report from 2015-16 for the Employee Assistance Office (EAO). The top concerns of employees visiting the office last year include job-related stress, psychological and emotional concerns, occupational/career-related concerns and marital/relationship concerns. Sherry introduced the newest consultant at EAO, Susan Fuszard. Susan spoke briefly about a program for faculty and staff about suicide prevention. She also mentioned a financial fitness challenge that is available free through Employee Trust Funds (
Jo Ann Carr presented the Ombuds Office annual report from 2015-16. The other Ombuds include: Rosa Garner, Dale Burke, John Dowling, and Chuck Snowdon. The key issues this office addressed with visitors this past year are evaluative relationships, peer and colleague relationships, and career progress and development. 16% of the cases involved Hostile and Intimidating Behavior. The number of visitors to the office increased by 90%, which was in part due to the SMPH employees now visiting this Ombuds office rather than employing their own Ombuds. The office plans to provide more data on the academic staff use of the office next year. Concerns for next year include hostile and intimidating behavior; gender, age or race discrimination; workplace concerns for graduate students; and concerns over changes in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
Guests: Rebecca Scheller and Bret Larget, Committee on Women in the University
Rebecca Scheller and Bret Larget presented the annual report from 2015-16 for the Committee on Women in the University. The Committee on Women in the University has three primary functions including: recommendations to improve the status of women, collaboration across campus, and evaluating the status of women employees. The committee’s accomplishments from last year include submitting a proposal regarding strategic planning for childcare on campus to the Provost and Chancellor; helping to shape the sexual assault and misconduct resolutions passed by various governance bodies; and looking at academic staff salaries in addition to faculty salaries. The committee has three goals for the upcoming year. These include supporting diversity and inclusion efforts on campus climate, support for parents, and women faculty retention. The committee could use more gender diversity.
Guest: Patrick Sheehan, Director of Workforce Relations, Office of Human Resources
Patrick Sheehan presented the policy on minor protection and adult leaders. UW System is requiring all campuses to develop a policy regarding minor protection. The policy is based on a template provided to the campus by UW System. The policy states that one-on-one contact between adults and minors is prohibited. There are some exceptions to this, including one-on-one tutoring sessions. Other exceptions not mentioned explicitly in the policy can be granted by the Office of Human Resources. The policy does not apply to human subjects research or public events.
Standing Committee and Other Reports
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Kevin Niemi reminded the Assembly that the petition to change the boundaries of district sizes was available for signature in the back of the room. The 2017 Academic Staff Institute will be held on Wednesday, March 1. Kevin thanked members of the Assembly who have volunteered to assist with planning the event. The Distinguished Prefix packets are due to the Secretary of the Academic Staff Office on Wednesday, February 1. More information is available at In addition, nominations are currently being solicited for the UW-Madison Academic Staff Excellence Awards and the UW System Awards. The deadline for UW-Madison awards is Friday, January 13, and the deadline for the UW System awards is Friday, January 6. All nominations must be entered online at More information can be found at In regards to the Titling and Total Compensation study, there are plans to have a consultant in place by March 1.
Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – Michael Moscicke reported on the 2016 election results. The Republicans gained one seat in the Assembly. Robin Vos is likely to be elected as the Assembly leader. The Republicans also gained one seat in the Senate. In addition, the seat currently held by Jennifer Schilling may face a recount, which could flip an additional seat to the republicans. ASPRO is currently monitoring efforts in the area of self-insurance as well as campus carry.
Resolution Requesting Pay Plan for UW-Madison for 2017-2019 Biennial Budget
Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved the Academic Staff Assembly approve the Resolution Requesting a Pay Plan for UW-Madison for the 2017-2019 Biennial Budget. Seconded. Approved.
Changes to Distinguished Prefix Guidelines
Robert Newsom (ASEC) moved the Academic Staff Assembly approve changes to the Distinguished Prefix Guidelines. Seconded. Approved.
Discussion on Assembly Guests
Kevin Niemi, ASEC chair, led a discussion with the Assembly regarding whether guests should be should be kept to their time frame to keep the Assembly agenda moving on time. The general sentiment was that the Assembly would like to keep things fluid, but the presiding officer should feel empowered to cut off presentations or questions of guests if the body is falling behind schedule.
Vice Provost Report
Michael Bernard-Donals announced that the new Office of Human Resources Director will be Wayne Guthrie. He will begin his new position on January 9. He also mentioned the implementation of the Minimum Qualifications of Instructors Policy. The policy was needed for compliance with the Higher Learning Commission standards. Academic staff who don’t have an instructional appointment will need one to teach. This can be a $0 appointment. Departments don’t need to specifically request exemptions, but can enter the reasons why someone is qualified to teach if they don’t meet the degree requirements into HRS.
In April 2015, the Faculty Commission on Compensation and Economic Benefits made recommendations to the Faculty Senate for faculty family leave. There was a remark made at that time suggesting that family leave recommendations must include all employees. An ad hoc committee has been put together, and Vice Provost Bernard-Donals is working on a charge for the committee.
Adjourned at 4:23 pm.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff