UW-Madison Box - Updating Profile Information
Note: If you have set a Name in Use value in the MyUW portal, that name will appear as your display name in UW-Madison Box. Otherwise your legal name will be used. Changes that you make to your Name in Use in MyUW will be reflected in Box the next time you login. For more information about changing Name in Use, see MyUW Madison - Update Name in Use (Preferred Name).
Log into UW-Madison Box.
In the upper right-hand corner on the page, click on the menu labeled with your account avatar (Note: this will be your initials if you have not uploaded an image).
Select View Profile.
You will see your current profile information. Click Edit Information in the upper right to make changes to any of the fields.
You can now make changes to any of the available text fields (except for "Company Name"), as well as upload a profile picture. When you are done making changes, click Save Changes.
Note: Any changes you make to display name in your Box profile will be replaced with your UW-Madison Name in Use or legal name the next time you login.