Module 5 - Entering a Rapid Response (RR)

Module 2 from Coaching Training Deck 6-oct-2015
In this module you will learn how to enter a Rapid Response. Specifically you will learn:
  • How to enter available information from the RR request
  • How RRs will be assigned in the future 
note: much of this is now managed by the Communications staff in Operations (Megan, Sam and Komal)

Create a new contact for the RR

[image - screenshot of notification of a RR]

  1. When forwarded a RR take note of the following:
    1. contact name
    2. contact info (email, phone)
    3. location
  2. SEARCH for any existing records for the contact.
  3. Create a new contact and complete the form with the available information
    [image - screenshot of new contact form]
  4. Connect that contact to an account (Salesforce requires this to save)
    1. If there is no community or organization, select "Unknown Account"
  5. Choose the point of entry from the options available
  6. Save the new contact

Create the first RR activity record

  1. Open the contact just saved (or found through searching)
  2. In the Open Activities related list, click the button to create a "New Task"
    [image - screenshot of contact record with Open Activity related list]
  3. Enter the task subject as "RR Follow up; Contact Name"
  4. Copy any message from the contact into the comments area
  5. Assign the task to the coaching triage lead - Kitty Jerome

Accepting the new RR task

  1. The coaching triage lead (Kitty) will assign the task to a member of the coaching staff.
    1. The due date for the task must be 48 hours from the time of the first contact.
  2. The assigned coach will see the task appear on their Salesforce homepage
    [image - screenshot of 'my tasks' on Salesforce Home tab]
    1. Some Salesforce users may also have email notifications enabled and learn of the task that way
  3. The assigned coach opens the task
  4. Click the name of the contact in the "Related to" area of the task record to see the contact record
  5. The coach will take ownership of the contact by changing the contact owner to their name

Completing the new RR task

  1. From the contact record the coach can click the RR task and review the initial message from the contact.
  2. The coach takes the appropriate steps to reach out to the contact, ideally within the 48 hour task due date.
  3. After making contact, the coach returns to the contact record
  4. Click the "Log a Call" button in the Activity History of the contact and enter details about the interaction with the contact
    [image - screenshot of contact record showing Activity History]
  5. The coach can then open the initial RR task in the activity history
  6. Change the task status from "Open" to "Completed" and save the task
  7. Notify the coaching triage person (@Kitty Jerome) using the Chatter feed at the top of the contact record.

salesforce, training, rapid response 
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Owned by:
James L. in chrrptech
CHR&R Program Technologies