Salesforce How-to: Move activities to another record (video)
Short demonstration of a situation where activities needed to be moved from one record to another.
In this video James describes a situation where a team record was created as an account rather than a community team. To correct this the activities related to the account record need to be moved to the community team record.
James proceeds to review the steps to move a single activity:
- Open the account record that lists the activity you want to move
- Scroll to the Activity History to find the activity to move
- Edit the activity
- In the 'Related to' list, find the dropdown and text box that relate the activity to the account record.
- Change the record type from 'account' to 'community team'
- Search for the desired community team (in the video this is the Capital City Impact Team)
- Save the activity
- Verify that the activity is no longer in the account Activity History
- Verify that the activity is in the community team Activity History