University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-01-17
University Committee Meeting Minutes
Minutes passed 01/23/2017January 17, 2017
[meeting rescheduled from January 16, a university holiday]
UC members present: Bowers, Broman, Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt (chair)
UC member absent: Amasino
Others present: S. Smith, D. Edwards, J. Meara, E. Sandgren, M. Felber, J. Richard, M. Aust, H. Daniels, N. Bertelsen, M. Maryl
Chair Amy Wendt called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. Wendt informed the UC that there will be a PROFS Board meeting prior to the next UC meeting. The minutes of the meetings of January 4, 2017 [University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-01-04] , and January 9, 2017 [University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-01-09] , were approved. Michelle Felber (PROFS) provided a brief update on the governor's state of the state address, legislative leadership responses, recent press about tenure in other states, and pre-budget meetings with legislators.
Post-tenure review policy was discussed throughout the meeting, including with the provost and with the chancellor. Changes were suggested as to timing and deadlines to ensure that all reviews are completed in a timely fashion and reported to the dean on a manageable schedule. Ample discussion about DCRC structure concluded with a general sense that advantages and disadvantages of different approaches should be presented to Faculty Senate. Revisions suggested at dean-review level to account for all four possible scenarios (dean and department agree on either deficiencies or meeting expectations; dean finds deficiencies not in the department review; dean dissents as to deficiencies identified in the department review). Both provost and chancellor strongly recommend revising current policy rather than accepting default policy. Following extended discussion, the UC decided to move forward with revised policy. Wendt will set up meeting with UWS and UC will work on presentation to Faculty Senate. General agreement that a document laying out what is and is not included in the policy and why it is a good idea.
Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Laurent Heller and the UC discussed at length the office of Facilities Planning and Management, particularly capacity for lab construction and renovation (including capacity to assess risk and cost, as well as to complete work). All agree there are issues worth looking into, both individual cases and broader institutional structures, all intertwined with occupational health and safety, grants management, regulations and legislation, capital design and delivery processes, and institutional capacity. Further agreement that quick wins and longer-term solutions are important. Heller will coordinate with the VCRGE to study this at greater length and the two will return jointly to the UC. The UC will gather case studies.
Chancellor Rebecca Blank indicated that her week is full of legislative visits, explained that there is not yet much detail on the governor's tuition proposal, and predicted that there will be actions on campus related to the inauguration, occurring as it does during the first week of classes with nice weather predicted. Blank also provided an update on a productive executive team retreat, which focused on revenue and strategic planning.
Wanner moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 4:15 p.m. Following a brief grievance update, the UC considered and unanimously approved 3 tenure clock extension requests (two pending completion of documentation), one leave of absence, and one dual role waiver (with a caution about minimum qualifications). The UC also considered and unanimously approved a (CHS to tenure track) track transfer request. This request highlighted a needed change in the SMPH track transfer policy, which will be explored to ensure that transfers are held to the same standards as other tenure cases. Wanner moved to reconvene in open session, which was seconded and passed at 4:50 p.m., at which point Wendt adjourned the meeting decisively and in no way with a question.