Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 03-09-17

Approved 3-23-17
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, March 9, 2017
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: 
Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Sarah Kuba; Michael Moscicke; Mallory Musolf; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Chair; Deb Shapiro

Guests: Wayne Guthrie, Linda Scott, Jake Smith

The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.

The minutes of March 2, 2017, were approved.

General Reports
Chair Kevin Niemi reported that he, Bruno Browning, and Heather Daniels met with Mark Walters, Laurent Heller, and Wayne Guthrie regarding the Faculty Assistant issue a couple weeks ago.  The group working on the Work Life White Paper on Compensation will meet for the last time next week.  He also shared a draft charge memo for an Ad Hoc Committee on the Practice of Shared Governance at UW-Madison. 

Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels shared that the final academic staff chat was held.  She also is helping launch a Community of Practice for Lab Managers that will hold its first meeting in April.  She also announced that the Excellence Awards reception would be held on April 12.  Heather also provided an update on guests to ASEC including Matt Kussow, Mary Luther, Mark Walters and Wayne Guthrie on March 23 and Mary Luther once a month through June. 

Deputy Secretary Jake Smith provided an update on the open meetings regarding the districting logic.  There was a small group at the second meeting.  The proposed logic matters most for areas where there are small groups of people who will need to be combined to create an Assembly district. 

Liaison Reports
DCS CASI-Michael Moscicke met with the Division of Continuing Studies CASI to talk about the state budget.  The group also discussed the Faculty Assistant resolution.
Vet Med CASI-Jenny Dahlberg reported that the group was doing well and reviewing internal climate survey results.  Also the Vet Med/Pharmacy/Nursing/SMPH CASIs are planning to meet together in early May.

April Assembly Agenda
ASEC took its first look at the April Assembly Agenda.  The agenda includes presentation of the Excellence Award winners, a brief speech by the Chancellor and presentation of the Category B Salary Compression Report.
Preparation for Titling and Total Compensation
ASEC will meet in two weeks with Wayne Guthrie, Mary Luther and Mark Walters about the Titling and Total Compensation study.  ASEC would like more information on the draft chart that Mary Luther presented the group last month.  
•    Appointment for Campus Collaboration Team for Titling and Total Compensation study
ASEC decided to appoint a current or past member from existing committees like ASEC or Compensation and Economic Benefits.  ASEC asked for Heather McFadden to be contacted about the position.

Guest: Linda Scott, Dean of School of Nursing
Dean Scott has been on campus for 8 months.  She has degrees from several schools in Michigan and most recently served as Associate Dean at the University of Illinois-Chicago.  She started her tenure by engaging in a listening tour of where the School of Nursing is and where they want it to be.  The school is about seven years away from its centennial.  She felt it was important to hear from faculty and instructional academic staff as well as other academic and university staff within the school.  She also met with all the governance groups and advisory groups, either with the entire group or just the chairs.  In November, she talked to the school about what she heard and the appropriate next steps.  This has led to some restructuring within the school. 

Dean Scott mentioned that retention was a struggle and would always be a challenge.  She is trying to move the school closer to benchmark targets to be competitive with other universities. 

Guest: Wayne Guthrie, Director of the Office of Human Resources
Wayne Guthrie introduced himself to ASEC.  He previously worked at the Arthritis Association as well as the University of Georgia System.  He reported that Mercer met with UW System and UW-Madison representatives earlier that day.  Things are just beginning for the study, with only preliminary discussions at this point.  He stressed the importance of governance bodies having input in the study.  Wayne also mentioned that the Human Resources Community of Practice group is working to develop competencies for Human Resources roles across campus.

Meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff