Communications Committee Minutes 11-18-17

AS Communications Committee Minutes
11:00 a.m., Monday, Nov. 18, 2016
260 Bascom Hall

2016-2017 ASCC Members: Matthew Call, Chair; Diane Doering; Jennifer Garrett; Emily Kite; Jan Klawitter; Peter Kleppin; Pamela O’Donnell; Nicholas Schmuhl; Diane Stojanovich

Present: Matthew Call; Diane Doering; Jennifer Garrett; Emily Kite; Peter Kleppin; Pamela O’Donnell

1.    Academic Staff Performance Review Survey status update
•    Committee discussed further feedback on draft survey and clarified intent of questions. Recommend to send survey in early December with reminder in late January/early February
2.    Academic Staff email newsletter Fall 2016 review
•    Committee discussed content leftover/missing and whether to increase frequency of email communication. Committee will look into extending this work into the communications of ASEC and its meetings to highlight or report on speakers, surveys, etc. Committee will also look at furthering content in other areas, such as Work@UW
3.    Member terms expiring Summer 2017
•   Committee discussed individual upcoming expiring terms.
4.    October minutes were approved

5.    Adjourn at 11:57 am

CC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff