AWS - Tagging with an AWS Account

AWS - Tagging with an AWS Account

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers the ability to assign "tags" to resources being utilized within the AWS environment. Tagging enables you to categorize your AWS resources in different ways, for example, by purpose, owner or environment. Below is a short description of how you can use tags within your Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.

Tagging Your AWS EC2 Resources for Resource Management Purposes

By developing and implementing a good tagging plan, you can managed your resources more consistently, keeping dev, test and prod resources together, assigning permissions based on tag, and setting up maintenance plans, among the many reasons to tag AWS resources. Read this AWS Tagging Best Practices page to get started thinking about how you can use tags to benefit your AWS workloads.
You can use standard tagging in a DLT AWS account help you manage your instances, images and other AWS EC2 resources. You can assign your own metadata to each resource in the form of tags. Tagging basics can be found at: Tagging of resources for resource management purposes will function within your AWS management console as described in the above referenced AWS User Guide.

Tagging Your AWS EC2 Resources for Billing Reporting Purposes

Within the AWS environment all billing tags, for reporting purposes, must be set up at the master payer account level. Under the current AWS system for partner (DLT) accounts, all end user account established by DLT are "linked" accounts under the DLT master payer (org) account and as such are not able to establish their own billing tags for billing reporting purposes. In order to help overcome this limitation with the AWS billing system, DLT has activated a set of generic billing tags within our master payer accounts. This set of tags will report at the child account level, for billing purposes. When the account owner assigns these generic tags to resources at the account level, DLT will be able to provide billing detail on tagged resources. It will be the responsibility of the account owner to track which generic tag is tied to each resource. Below are the active billing tags. Please cut and paste as any deviance will cause the tags to not report properly within the AWS system.

Tags for Cost Allocation Report w/ Resources and Tags

  • Application
  • Company
  • Contract
  • CostCode
  • CreationDate
  • Creator 
  • Department
  • DeptCode
  • Environment
  • Grant
  • Location
  • Name
  • OU
  • Order
  • Organization
  • Owner
  • Payer
  • Product
  • Project
  • ProjectName
  • ProjectNumber
  • ProjectType
  • Purpose
  • ResponsibleParty
  • Role
  • Service
  • Status
  • Use

Custom Cost Allocation (CA) Codes

  • CA001
  • CA002
  • CA003
  • CA004
  • CA005
  • CA006
  • CA007
  • CA008
  • CA009
  • CA010

If you have any questions, feedback or ideas please Contact Us

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aws tagging resources tags tag dlt reporting cost allocation 
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