Cisco VoIP - Replying and sending voicemail messages in the portal
How to reply and send voicemail messages in the voicemail portal
You must be first logged into the portal. See Cisco VoIP - Voicemail Portal Sign in and Overview
Reply to a Voice Message
Web Inbox can be used to send, reply to, and forward messages to subscribers, public and private distribution lists. Voice messages can only be forwarded to users with a voicemail account on the Cisco Unity Connection voicemail system. Please note this replies to the person's voicemail, not to their email.
When sending, responding or forwarding a message, the message may be marked as follows:
- Urgent: The message is sent before regular messages.
- Private: Alerts the recipient to treat the message confidentially and disables forwarding of the message.
- Read Receipt: The subscriber is notified when the recipient opens the message.
When listening to a message, Web Inbox presents options for handling the message.
Reply: Respond with a voice message to the sender.
- Reply all: Respond with a voice message to all who received the message and are Cisco Unity Connection subscribers.
- Forward: Send the message to another subscriber and/or distribution list. Messages marked private are restricted from forwarding.
- Delete: Move the message to the Delete folder.
- Mark unread: Mark the message as unread. This presents the message as new.
Use the volume control bar
to control playback volume when playing the message back through the computer.

Send a Voicemail Message
Messages may be sent to other subscribers, public and private distribution lists. To address messages to other subscribers, enter the subscriber name or primary extension.
Voice messages can only be sent to users with a voicemail account on the Cisco Unity Connection voicemail system. Please note this send the message to the person's voicemail, not to their email.1. Select the New Message button.2. Address the message by entering a subscriber name. Web Inbox will auto-populate matching names based on the characters typed. Separate multiple addresses with semicolons (;).
3. In the Subject field indicate the subject matter of the message.
4. Choose one or more special delivery options if applicable. In this example, the message has been marked private.
5. Select the Start Recording button. Record the message with the chosen device:
a. Phone: pick up the handset when the phone rings, wait for the tone, then speak into the handset; ORb. Computer: Using a microphone connected to the computer, speak into the microphone.
Note: Recording through the browser is supported in the following browsers:Firefox (Windows and MacOS)Chrome (Windows and MacOS)Microsoft Edge (Windows only)Recording through the browser also requires the Flash plugin
6. Finish recording by selecting the Stop Recording button.
7. To review the message before sending, select the Play Recording button.
8. Select the Send button.