Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-20-17
Approved 4-27-17
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Sarah Kuba; Mallory Musolf; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Chair
Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Laura Fisk, Mary Luther, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jake Smith
The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m.
The minutes of April 6 and April 12, 2017, were approved.
General Reports
Chair Kevin Niemi reported he was interested in ASEC drafting a note to Mercer highlighting the salient points regarding the Title and Total Compensation Study that ASEC wants to re-emphasize with them. Kevin and Bruno met with the Central Committee. Both groups agreed to stay in communication moving forward in regards to the Title and Total Compensation study. Kevin also talked to the Central Committee about the Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Governance. The Central Committee agreed to participate, and Amy will take the draft charge to the Chancellor. Both Kevin and Bruno Browning are out of town next week, so Sarah Kuba will chair the meeting.
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the Lab/Core Managers Community of Practice held a kickoff meeting. The CASI brown bag will be held on Monday, April 24, and ASEC is invited to attend. Heather sat in on two interviews for Title IX candidates. The Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Degree Requirements met for the last time and will report to ASEC on May 4. There was an issue with districting in that departments were not included as a third criteria for some districts. The Secretary’s office has received a new list of district assignments. Heather and Jake Smith will be sending out an email next week regarding this change to about 3500 affected academic staff.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
The Provost thought the worklife survey white paper was an excellent report. She has shared the report with Laurent Heller and the Chancellor. She plans to discuss the report with both of them. She noted that UW-Madison is historically thinly staffed. The decision on whether the university becomes smaller rests with the schools/colleges. She has been supportive of deans working on department mergers. She will provide ASEC with more feedback on the report after she discusses it with Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration.
The summer allocation is partially based on the history of summer tuition. In the past the allocation never changed from year to year. Under the new model, 80% of the amount generated beyond $11 million goes back to the school/college. 10% goes to the Division of Continuing Studies since they provide administration for the summer session, and the remaining 10% goes to central campus. The central campus portion goes into general revenues. Starting this summer, nearly all of the top ten courses in enrollment will also be offered in the summer.
Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Michael Bernard-Donals met with Mercer consultants last week. They had a good conversation. Michael emphasized the following issues with Mercer: 1) clearly making sure that we don’t have the huge array of titles we have now, and that it is easy to compare our titles with peers, 2) more rational progression series, with expansion of salary bands and making sure they are pegged to the right peer data, 3) looking at some non-monetary aspects of compensation (flex work patterns, access to computers for university staff) and other professional development opportunities, 4) make sure trades employees are able to participate in standard benefits packages, 5) make sure benchmarks aren’t UW System schools only, and 6) better performance management tracking. Mercer was very receptive to the information, and he senses they they want to get it right. Mercer is aware of some of the odd categories we have due to historical conditions. He also talked about consulting with governance (the plan will succeed or fail based on availability of input of rank and file).
Guests: Mary Luther and Laura Fisk, Office of Human Resources
Mary Luther told ASEC that the Office of Human Resources is open to adding another member of the academic staff to the Campus Collaboration Team. They hope to have this committee meet for the first time in mid-May. The team will start with some training. She would also like to do some training for ASEC. Laura Fisk has been gathering information for the Mercer consultants.
In regards to decision making, the Functional Specific Work Teams will have some members appointed by shared governance. The Function Specific Work Teams will look at specific job family and define levels and descriptions of levels. The UW Working Team will share information with campus collaboration and OHR collaboration team. This team hasn’t started doing anything yet. The UW-Madison Project Leadership Team will meet regularly with UW-Madison Governance Groups on some milestone events. These events include: Phase 1 products: project plan, communication and engagement strategy and preliminary total compensation philosophy strategy; and likely Phase 2 products: career matrix framework with career streams and levels; job families and sub-functions; job description template. The final products will go to the UW-Madison Executive Sponsors for signoff. Mercer is going to give UW-Madison some starting points for communications and engagement. These will be given to the collaboration team.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments to the Ad Hoc Committee on Title and Total Compensation Academic Staff Communications; Access and Accommodation in Instruction; Advisory Committee to the Office of the Dean of Students; Campus Transportation Committee; Lakeshore Nature Preserve; Advisory Committee to Office of Equity and Diversity; Committee on Research, Safety and Compliance; Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid; Committee on GLTBQ People in the University; and nominations to Nominating Committee; Area Review Committee (ARC) for Biological/Medical Sciences; ARC for Administration/Student Services/Libraries; ARC for Physical Sciences/Engineering; ARC for Humanities/Social Sciences (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Convene in Open Session (Crandall). Seconded. Approved.
• Appointments-for approval
Motion to reappoint Nichole Boyd to the Access and Accommodation in Instruction Committee; Michael Moll to the Advisory Committee to the Dean of Students; Aaron Crandall to the Campus Transportation Committee, and Alan Turnquist to the Lakeshore Nature Preserve Committee. (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Susan Degrand to the Advisory Committee to the Office for Equity and Diversity; Jay Botsford to the Committee for GLBTQ People in the University; Elizabeth Oseid to the Research, Safety and Compliance Committee, and Tracy Mores to the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid. (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Jeff Shokler, Lisa Jansen, Ron Harris, Alison Bergum, Sharon Gehl, Jesse Henderson, Lisa Hildebrand, Andrew Schroeder, John Stevenson, and Robin Worth to the Ad Hoc Committee on Title and Total Compensation Academic Staff Communications (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
• Nominations-for approval
Motion to re-nominate Greg Putnam and Dianna Xu to the ARC-Admin/Studserv/Libr; Melgardt De Villiers and Mary Hayney to the ARC-Bio/Med Sci; Ritt Deitz, Jacob Esselstrom and Ron Kuka to the ARC-Humanities/Soc Sci, and Brian Beard, Ilia Guzei and Milo Westler to the ARC-Phys Sci/Engr. (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to nominate Tom Tews to the ARC-Admin/StudServ/Libr, and Nigel Cook to the ARC-Bio/Med Sci. (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
• May Assembly Meeting Agenda
ASEC reviewed the agenda for the May Assembly meeting. A new resolution has been submitted by two Assembly representatives called the “Resolution on Equitable Pay Minima for Category B Academic Staff.” The representatives (Scott Mellor and Anna Paretskaya) will visit with ASEC on May 4.
• Topics for Provost and Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor
Alternative revenue models besides summer tuition
Title and Total Compensation Study
Office of Industrial Partnerships Moving to Research and Sponsored Programs
Title and Total Compensation Study perspective
Metrics for state budget
Meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20, 2017
55 Bascom Hall
2:00 – 3:30 p.m. Thursday, April 20, 2017
55 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Sarah Kuba; Mallory Musolf; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi, Chair
Guests: Michael Bernard-Donals, Laura Fisk, Mary Luther, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jake Smith
The meeting was called to order at 2:03 p.m.
The minutes of April 6 and April 12, 2017, were approved.
General Reports
Chair Kevin Niemi reported he was interested in ASEC drafting a note to Mercer highlighting the salient points regarding the Title and Total Compensation Study that ASEC wants to re-emphasize with them. Kevin and Bruno met with the Central Committee. Both groups agreed to stay in communication moving forward in regards to the Title and Total Compensation study. Kevin also talked to the Central Committee about the Ad Hoc Committee on Shared Governance. The Central Committee agreed to participate, and Amy will take the draft charge to the Chancellor. Both Kevin and Bruno Browning are out of town next week, so Sarah Kuba will chair the meeting.
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the Lab/Core Managers Community of Practice held a kickoff meeting. The CASI brown bag will be held on Monday, April 24, and ASEC is invited to attend. Heather sat in on two interviews for Title IX candidates. The Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Degree Requirements met for the last time and will report to ASEC on May 4. There was an issue with districting in that departments were not included as a third criteria for some districts. The Secretary’s office has received a new list of district assignments. Heather and Jake Smith will be sending out an email next week regarding this change to about 3500 affected academic staff.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
The Provost thought the worklife survey white paper was an excellent report. She has shared the report with Laurent Heller and the Chancellor. She plans to discuss the report with both of them. She noted that UW-Madison is historically thinly staffed. The decision on whether the university becomes smaller rests with the schools/colleges. She has been supportive of deans working on department mergers. She will provide ASEC with more feedback on the report after she discusses it with Chancellor and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration.
The summer allocation is partially based on the history of summer tuition. In the past the allocation never changed from year to year. Under the new model, 80% of the amount generated beyond $11 million goes back to the school/college. 10% goes to the Division of Continuing Studies since they provide administration for the summer session, and the remaining 10% goes to central campus. The central campus portion goes into general revenues. Starting this summer, nearly all of the top ten courses in enrollment will also be offered in the summer.
Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
Michael Bernard-Donals met with Mercer consultants last week. They had a good conversation. Michael emphasized the following issues with Mercer: 1) clearly making sure that we don’t have the huge array of titles we have now, and that it is easy to compare our titles with peers, 2) more rational progression series, with expansion of salary bands and making sure they are pegged to the right peer data, 3) looking at some non-monetary aspects of compensation (flex work patterns, access to computers for university staff) and other professional development opportunities, 4) make sure trades employees are able to participate in standard benefits packages, 5) make sure benchmarks aren’t UW System schools only, and 6) better performance management tracking. Mercer was very receptive to the information, and he senses they they want to get it right. Mercer is aware of some of the odd categories we have due to historical conditions. He also talked about consulting with governance (the plan will succeed or fail based on availability of input of rank and file).
Guests: Mary Luther and Laura Fisk, Office of Human Resources
Mary Luther told ASEC that the Office of Human Resources is open to adding another member of the academic staff to the Campus Collaboration Team. They hope to have this committee meet for the first time in mid-May. The team will start with some training. She would also like to do some training for ASEC. Laura Fisk has been gathering information for the Mercer consultants.
In regards to decision making, the Functional Specific Work Teams will have some members appointed by shared governance. The Function Specific Work Teams will look at specific job family and define levels and descriptions of levels. The UW Working Team will share information with campus collaboration and OHR collaboration team. This team hasn’t started doing anything yet. The UW-Madison Project Leadership Team will meet regularly with UW-Madison Governance Groups on some milestone events. These events include: Phase 1 products: project plan, communication and engagement strategy and preliminary total compensation philosophy strategy; and likely Phase 2 products: career matrix framework with career streams and levels; job families and sub-functions; job description template. The final products will go to the UW-Madison Executive Sponsors for signoff. Mercer is going to give UW-Madison some starting points for communications and engagement. These will be given to the collaboration team.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments to the Ad Hoc Committee on Title and Total Compensation Academic Staff Communications; Access and Accommodation in Instruction; Advisory Committee to the Office of the Dean of Students; Campus Transportation Committee; Lakeshore Nature Preserve; Advisory Committee to Office of Equity and Diversity; Committee on Research, Safety and Compliance; Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid; Committee on GLTBQ People in the University; and nominations to Nominating Committee; Area Review Committee (ARC) for Biological/Medical Sciences; ARC for Administration/Student Services/Libraries; ARC for Physical Sciences/Engineering; ARC for Humanities/Social Sciences (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Convene in Open Session (Crandall). Seconded. Approved.
• Appointments-for approval
Motion to reappoint Nichole Boyd to the Access and Accommodation in Instruction Committee; Michael Moll to the Advisory Committee to the Dean of Students; Aaron Crandall to the Campus Transportation Committee, and Alan Turnquist to the Lakeshore Nature Preserve Committee. (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Susan Degrand to the Advisory Committee to the Office for Equity and Diversity; Jay Botsford to the Committee for GLBTQ People in the University; Elizabeth Oseid to the Research, Safety and Compliance Committee, and Tracy Mores to the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid. (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to appoint Jeff Shokler, Lisa Jansen, Ron Harris, Alison Bergum, Sharon Gehl, Jesse Henderson, Lisa Hildebrand, Andrew Schroeder, John Stevenson, and Robin Worth to the Ad Hoc Committee on Title and Total Compensation Academic Staff Communications (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
• Nominations-for approval
Motion to re-nominate Greg Putnam and Dianna Xu to the ARC-Admin/Studserv/Libr; Melgardt De Villiers and Mary Hayney to the ARC-Bio/Med Sci; Ritt Deitz, Jacob Esselstrom and Ron Kuka to the ARC-Humanities/Soc Sci, and Brian Beard, Ilia Guzei and Milo Westler to the ARC-Phys Sci/Engr. (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to nominate Tom Tews to the ARC-Admin/StudServ/Libr, and Nigel Cook to the ARC-Bio/Med Sci. (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
• May Assembly Meeting Agenda
ASEC reviewed the agenda for the May Assembly meeting. A new resolution has been submitted by two Assembly representatives called the “Resolution on Equitable Pay Minima for Category B Academic Staff.” The representatives (Scott Mellor and Anna Paretskaya) will visit with ASEC on May 4.
• Topics for Provost and Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor
Alternative revenue models besides summer tuition
Title and Total Compensation Study
Office of Industrial Partnerships Moving to Research and Sponsored Programs
Title and Total Compensation Study perspective
Metrics for state budget
Meeting adjourned at 4:56 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff