Microsoft 365 (Wisc Account Administration) - Account Modification History

There are times when you need to know the actions that have been performed within the Wisc Account Administration site against an account (NetID, Service/Resource account). You now have this ability.

Note: Not all actions within Wisc Account Administration site have this feature enabled. If you would like to have this feature enabled for a specific action/page, please contact the Office 365 support team and provide the action you want it enabled for.

If the link above does not open a new mail message on your computer/device, please send an email manually with the following details:
  • To:
  • Subject: Office 365 request - account modification history data (73342)
  • Body: provide the action/page you want account modification information added to

How to view account modification history

  1. Log into Wisc Account Administration site.
  2. Search for the account.
  3. Go to the menu/action screen you are looking for.
  4. Click on the arrow next to the "Account Modification History" label

    account modification history area

    If information exists, you will be presented with the details.

    account modification history details

microsoft ms office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 waa log history modified information details actions netid service account resource reference request account modification history 
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O365 S. in Microsoft 365
DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin