Microsoft 365 - Getting Started with Teams

Microsoft Teams is the chat-based workspace in Microsoft 365. It's the hub for team chats, calls, meetings, and messages. Microsoft Teams is extensible and customizable, and it's secured and standards-compliant to make sure your company's most sensitive collaborations are private.


  • Microsoft Teams is a separate application that you can integrate with other Microsoft 365 features such as Groups. For more information about Groups, please view: Microsoft 365 - Getting Started with Groups.
  • As of 6/10/2019, Groups created via Outlook on the web, Outlook desktop, Outlook mobile, SharePoint, Microsoft Stream, and Microsoft Teams are now created Private by Default.

Accessing Microsoft Teams

How do I access Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams can be accessed via a browser, desktop client, Android mobile device, or iOS mobile device.

What email address should you use to login into Teams application?

You can use any UW-Madison Microsoft 365 email address associated with your account.

Who can access Microsoft Teams?

Only accounts that have an Microsoft 365 Teams license - service accounts cannot access Microsoft Teams (see Microsoft 365 - Reduced access to services due to an affiliation change article to verify your affiliation).

Creating a Team


Some Teams limits
Number of members in a team 10,000
Number of channels per team 200
Number of Private channels per team 30
Number of people in a meeting (can chat and call in) 300
Number of attendees in a Teams live event 10,000

Does a team have a file storage quota limit?

Yes. The file storage quota is set to 25 GB.

Who can create a Microsoft Team?

Any fully licensed UW-Madison faculty/staff/student Microsoft 365 account. See Microsoft 365 - Reduced access to services due to an affiliation change article to verify your affiliation. Create a team.

How to manage Team members?

You must be the Teams owner to add / delete member.

Who can be invited to a Microsoft Team?

Anyone with a valid email address.

Important: If the UW-Madison Microsoft 365 account you are attempting to add is hidden in the GAL (Global Address List), it cannot be added through the Teams/Group client. You will need to use the Wisc Account Administration site to add this member.

It may take up to 24 hours for a UW-Madison Microsoft 365 member/account to be able to access the Teams application.

If the UW-Madison Microsoft 365 account you are attempting to add is one that is not licensed for Teams, you will not be able to add them as a Team member.

What type of Teams can be created?

When you create a new team in Microsoft Teams, you'll be asked to select from one of four team types. At this time, you have the ability to create the following Team types: Class, Professional Learning Community (PLC), Staff, and Other. Learn more about each Team type.

Note: Class-type Teams can not be made to be private however are not searchable within the GAL to join by default. 

Which type of team should you create?

This will depend on the use/workflow for your team. It is recommended that you create a team of type "Other". Learn more.

Existing OneNote notebooks can be added to these team types: PLC and Other.

For Staff and Class team types, you cannot add/connect existing notebooks, but you are able to create a new notebook and link to it.

For Staff and Class team types, before you can access (manage the content) the Staff/Class notebook within any OneNote application, you must first setup the Staff/Class notebook within a Teams client.

Students will not have the option to select a team type. The team will default to "Other" type.

What can a member do within a Microsoft Team?

There are three team member roles within a Microsoft Team: owner, member, guest. See Microsoft documentation for further details on each role and the capabilities they have.


Can I add pronouns to my Microsoft 365 account within Microsoft Team?

Yes. You now have the ability to add, change, or delete pronouns on your profile in Microsoft 365. See Microsoft documentation for further details.

Can external accounts (guests) be invited to a Microsoft Team?

Yes. Non-Microsoft accounts can be added as a member of a team - they will be considered as 'Guest' accounts and will have limited capabilities. See Microsoft documentation for further details.

Can a shared channel be created within a Microsoft Team?

Yes. See Microsoft article to create a shared channel. Important: Guests (users outside of our tenant) cannot be added as members to a shared channel.

Can I use read receipts for messages in Teams?

Yes. When they read your message the Seen seen read receipt icon confirmation appears next to it. Otherwise, you'll just see a confirmation that your message was sent Delivered message icon. Learn more.

Can I share an email message to Teams?

Yes. Share to Teams from Outlook enables users to share an email conversation from Outlook, including attachments, to any chat or channel in any Teams client. This capability is currently available in Outlook for Windows, Outlook on the web, and Outlook for Mac preview. This feature is not yet available for Outlook mobile.

When a user is sharing an email from the Outlook desktop client or Outlook on the web, Share to Teams in Outlook will either launch a window in the Teams desktop client if it is installed or open a window within Outlook. Within Teams, recipients will see a preview of the email message which they can open to view the full contents by clicking on the preview.

Share to Teams from Outlook creates a copy of the email and any attachments. Copies are stored in the "Email Messages" sub-folder within SharePoint for channels. Copies are stored in the sender's OneDrive for chats.

Share to Teams does not support Individual Rights Managed (IRM) and Do Not Forward (DNF) emails.

Can I pin a chat message?

Yes. Teams supports pinning of important elements, such as pinning important chats in the chat list or channels in the channel list. Learn more.

Can I schedule send for a Teams chat?

Yes. You can now schedule chat messages to be delivered in the future. Users can schedule messages to be delivered both on desktop and mobile clients.

Desktop: Right click on the send button to access the scheduling menu and select a date and time within 7 days from now.
Mobile: Write a message and long press on the send button to schedule the message. Select a date and time to deliver within 7 days to deliver the message.

Learn more.

Can I start a Teams chat with distribution groups, mail-enabled security groups, and Microsoft group?

Yes. You now have the ability to start a Teams chat with distribution groups, mail-enabled security groups, and Microsoft groups. This feature will respect the limits on members in a group chat, currently set to 250 members.

How is Microsoft Teams different from Microsoft 365 Groups?

Microsoft Teams is built upon Microsoft 365 Groups and provides a new way to access shared assets for an Microsoft 365 Group. Microsoft Teams is the best solution for persistent chat among group/team members.

Can I add a Microsoft Team to an existing Microsoft 365 Group?

Yes. When creating a new team in Microsoft Teams, an owner of an existing private Microsoft 365 Group has an option to use the membership in the Microsoft 365 Group to create the team. Create a team from an existing group.

Can I create a new Teams using the Microsoft Teams app?

Yes - but when a new team is created via Microsoft Teams application and not associated with an existing Group, an Microsoft 365 Group is created for the team but the group will not appear in Outlook. The group will not be visible in the Outlook left hand navigation and will not be visible in the address book (Global Address List - GAL). Additionally, the group name will not resolve when attempting to resolve the address while authoring a new mail message in Outlook clients.

If the associated group does not currently exist and you want the group to be visible in the GAL, then it would be easier to create the group/team using the Group interface. If the Group already exists and is hidden in the GAL, you can request to have the Group made visible in the GAL. However, for new groups/teams created via Teams, this will not make the group visible in the Outlook left hand navigation menu - contact the DoIT Help Desk and ask them to make the Team visible to Outlook clients.

Can I add Microsoft Teams to an existing Yammer group?

Yammer groups can't be activated into Microsoft Teams. However, you can add a Yammer feed as a connector to a channel in Microsoft Teams.

When an existing Microsoft 365 Group is associated with a team in Microsoft Teams, what happens to the group conversation?

The group email conversation remains in Microsoft Outlook. In Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 Group members can use chat to communicate in a separate service within Teams.

Can I send Teams messages via SMS (Short Message Service)?

Yes. The recipient will receive a link requesting that they join the chat via Teams. Note: We do not have phone numbers for each user to allow SMS replies to be received by Teams. Learn more.

What happens when a Team is deleted?

Important: only the Teams/Group owner(s) have the ability to delete a team/group. Do not delete a team/group unless you are sure you no longer need any data associated to the team/group.

Deleting a Team removes the team mailbox and calendar from Microsoft 365.

The corresponding SharePoint site and all its files will also be deleted.

And any Group (associated/connected to this team), OneNote notebook(s), Planner plan, PowerBI workspace, or Stream group affiliated with the team will also be deleted.

Is there a retention policy for chat data?

No. At this time, chat history is saved indefinitely. But, due to technical restraints and client resources, chat threads are cached within your client. You will need to scroll or search for specific entries.

Can chats/conversation data be exported?

No. Due to the educational license being used for all our Microsoft 365 accounts, chat/conversation data cannot be exported. The only option you have is to copy and paste the data from within each thread.

Can a deleted Teams be restored?

A Team can be restored within 30 days of it being deleted by any owner of the Team. Important: If it has been more than 30 days since the Team was deleted, the Microsoft 365 team will not be able to restore it - Microsoft automatically expunges all Group/Teams data after it has been more than 30 days of deletion. If within 30 days of deletion, any owner can follow these steps to restore it:

Important: If the Group/Team is not appearing within Outlook on the web (per the instructions below), please contact the DoIT Help Desk.

  1. As the owner who deleted the Group/Team, log into Outlook on the web.
  2. Go to People from within Outlook screen.
  3. Expand the "Groups" section.
  4. Click Deleted folder.
  5. Find the Group/Team in question and click the Restore button.

Note: It may take up to a day for the Group/Team and all its related data to be restored and available within all clients. At this time, Shifts data/schedule is not restored - Microsoft is aware of this and is working on a solution.

Can I create Custom Emojis for Teams

No, at this time custom Emojis are not available for Education tenants. 


Microsoft Teams Meetings FAQs

Can I dial-in (audio conferencing) or dial-out to/from Teams Meetings?

Important: Microsoft 365 licenses for dial-in (audio only) access to Teams Meetings and dial-out from Teams Meetings expired on Monday, October 31, 2022. Following this date, Microsoft Teams Meetings will no longer allow for dial-in (audio only) access or dial-out access via telephone number. All other access to Teams Meetings remains available including via Mobile, Desktop, and Web clients.

Next steps: Please review your current slate of meetings scheduled for the future. Microsoft Teams meetings scheduled to take place after Monday, October 31 that require the ability for attendees to dial-in via telephone number will need to be canceled and rescheduled in one of the services listed below.

Recommendations and alternatives: For those hosting virtual meetings which require the ability to dial-in via telephone, we recommend using one of the following video conferencing options: Zoom, Webex, or Google Meet. All three platforms will continue to offer dial-in capability. For additional information regarding video conferencing options please view the Which video conferencing tool should I use? KB article for details on the features and capabilities for each platform.

Yes - until October 31. 2022. This feature is enabled for all faculty/staff Microsoft 365 accounts. If you are a student, you will not be able to create a Teams meeting that allows for dial-in feature. Learn more.

What are the roles in a Microsoft Team Meeting?

There are four roles to choose from: organizer, co-organizer, presenter and attendee. Organizers and co-organizers have the highest level of capability within a meeting, while the other roles have less capabilities. See Microsoft documentation for further details on each role and the capabilities they have.

Can I assign a co-organizer to a Microsoft Teams meeting?

Yes. Organizers will now be able to share control by assigning the new "Co-organizer" role to people they invite. Co-organizers will have almost all of the capabilities of the organizer, including management of Meeting Options. Learn more.

Can I setup a Q&A within a Microsoft Teams meeting?

Yes. Starting in early August 2022, the ability to add a Q&A will be available to organizers/co-organizers. Meeting Organizers and Co-organizers can enable Q&A in their meetings through Meeting Options. They can toggle Enable Q& to 'yes' to enable structured conversations in their meeting. When Q&A is enabled, meeting attendees can join their Teams meeting, click the Q&A icon, and ask questions and engage in the discussion. Learn more.

Can I create a live event?

Yes. With Microsoft Live Events, you can broadcast video and meeting content to large online audiences. Anyone can attend a live event.

For larger meetings, and especially for any meeting over 1,000 attendees, Microsoft recommends using Teams Live Events. Microsoft also recommends using Teams Live Events for meetings involving a mixer, video feeds, or other more complex setups. Teams Live Events is a broadcast-style experience for sharing audio, video, and screen sharing for up to 10,000 view-only attendees (We have increased this limit to 20,000 view-only attendees until the end of this year).

  • It includes Q&A and attendance report capabilities, and integrates with enterprise CDN (eCDN, or Enterprise Content Delivery Networks) providers.

While it is possible to use the new Teams "View Only Experience" for meetings with more than 1,000 attendees, it does not currently provide:

  • An attendance report
  • Q&A capabilities
  • eCDN support
  • The production capabilities of Teams Live Events

Note: Over time, Microsoft will add more capabilities to the Teams View Only Experience.

Learn more.

Can I create a Town hall?

Yes. Town Halls are the new and innovative way to host large-scale internal events. This one-to-many format allows hosts to scale their messages and information, with enhanced production capabilities. Whether youre hosting a company-wide product demo, or covering a live event, town hall features are optimal for producing large-scale events.

Learn more.

Note: Town Hall events will be replacing Teams Live Events in the near future.

Can I setup language interpretation in a Teams meeting?

Yes. Language interpretation allows professional interpreters to convert what the speaker says into another language in real-time, without disrupting the speaker's original flow of delivery. This simultaneous interpretation will lead to more inclusive meetings, where participants who speak different languages can ully collaborate with each other. Learn more.

Is Speaker Coach available within a Teams meeting?

Yes. Speaker Coach provides private, personalized insight into how you spoke during your meeting or presentation, as well as a summary afterwards. Live insights are only seen by you and are not saved in recorded meeting transcripts. Learn more.

Can I take meeting notes?

Yes. Meeting notes are a great place to capture and share notes before, during, and after a Teams meeting. Learn more.

Are breakout rooms available in Teams meetings?

Yes. Make sure all participants, including the meeting organizer are using the latest version of Teams. If joining on Android or iOS mobile or tablet, make sure participants go to their App Store and download the latest update.

To see the breakout rooms option within your meetings, you must turn on the new Teams meeting experience by

  1. Clicking on your profile image within Teams
  2. Select Settings
  3. Checking the Turn on new meeting experience option within "General" settings.
  4. Restart your Teams client.
  5. You can double check that the setting is setup correctly by starting a meeting and verifying that the meeting opens in its own window.

Learn more.

Can a meeting (including ad-hoc) be recorded?

Yes. Any Teams meeting can be recorded for future viewing. The recording captures audio, video, and screen sharing activity (with some limitations), and you can share it securely across your organization. Recordings will be saved to the organizer's OneDrive account and will appear within OneDrive | My Files | Recordings folder unless there is a co-organizer assigned. Learn more.

Do recordings expire?

Desktop and web

Mobile devices

Interactive Demo

Additional FAQs and resources

microsoft ms office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 office groups teams chat collaborate share files meetings activity workflow presence conversations dial-in dial-out channels chat stream auto-expire expiration recording onedrive sharepoint meeting roles streaming video create teams browser windows mac os mobile ios android ipad samsung device restore deleted recover guest limits live meeting event public co-organizer producer attendee presenter audio conferencing breakout rooms types other staff class plc professional learning community outlook message email live events pin sms q&a security mail enabled distribution send schedule later sign in signin log in login export language interpretation presenter speaker coach Best practices for a large Teams meeting pronouns add delete manage members history retention data town hall quota uninstall 
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DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff, Microsoft 365