This page will help you get familiar with your tablet.
Home :: Knowing the Hardware :: Logging into Your Device :: Multi-Factor Authentication :: Working With Applications :: Your Online Resources :: Your Personal Learning Environment :: Back up Your Data Before Graduation :: Support
The EMBA Tablet initiative was designed to help you and your instructors manage all the digital and analog content generated in the course of your studies. Please read and follow the EEPMBA Tablet Initiative-Usage Policy Statement for guidelines and expectations with the use of these devices.
Your Surface Pro is imaged to have an admin and user account; both will have full administrative privileges. To create your password click on the user account, type your chosen password in the new password box, and retype it in the one below. (Ignore the old password box.) Feel free to make your own changes to the device. A four year warranty with accidental damage coverage was purchased from Microsoft to help ensure you will be able to use Surface Pro throughout the program. Note that the warranty only guarantees the Surface Pro device itself. The Surface Power Supply, Surface Pen and Surface Type Cover are covered by one year warranties.
- Knowing the Hardware
- Being familiar with the various hardware that comes with your tablet is important for being able to use your device effectively. Following these articles will give you basic knowledge about each component, beginning this familiarization process.
- Logging into Your Device
- Information on how to set up your device for the first time and configuring other essential preferences.
- Working With Applications
- Applications, or Apps, are software that your tablet uses to help you accomplish different tasks. Each app can exploit different capabilities of your tablet. There are millions of such Apps, and new ones are coming every day. Some apps are free but most need to be purchased. The UW-Madison has licenses for some Microsoft apps, that as a faculty, student or staff of the university you can get for free.
- Your Online Resources
- Canvas is a site used for hosting many course materials as well as some general resources for EMBA students. This section will give you information about accessing Canvas efficiently in order to facilitate easy access to any resources you need.
- Your Personal Learning Environment
- After you have set up your device, added Apps and performed other configurations, you will need to know how to integrate the technology into your own learning environment. The following articles will help you accomplish this.
- Multi-Factor Authentication
- Multi-factor authentication (also referred to as MFA) using the Duo application is a security requirement for accessing your EEMBA Student Technology Ecosystem,Student Technology Ecosystem
- Back up Your Data Before Graduation
- EMBA Students, preserve your data: BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE OFFICE 365, G SUITE, BOX ACCOUNTS ARE DEACTIVATED. After you finish with your program, there is a short time before your UW data storage accounts expire.
- Support
- If you need help with your tablet, the first line of help should be one of the EEPMBA student staff. They may be able to find a solution to your question or guide you to a service that may help you fix the issue. Visit the support page to get detailed information on the best contact to get help with specific issues.
- Being familiar with the various hardware that comes with your tablet is important for being able to use your device effectively. Following these articles will give you basic knowledge about each component, beginning this familiarization process.
- Information on how to set up your device for the first time and configuring other essential preferences.
- Applications, or Apps, are software that your tablet uses to help you accomplish different tasks. Each app can exploit different capabilities of your tablet. There are millions of such Apps, and new ones are coming every day. Some apps are free but most need to be purchased. The UW-Madison has licenses for some Microsoft apps, that as a faculty, student or staff of the university you can get for free.
- Canvas is a site used for hosting many course materials as well as some general resources for EMBA students. This section will give you information about accessing Canvas efficiently in order to facilitate easy access to any resources you need.
- After you have set up your device, added Apps and performed other configurations, you will need to know how to integrate the technology into your own learning environment. The following articles will help you accomplish this.
- Multi-factor authentication (also referred to as MFA) using the Duo application is a security requirement for accessing your EEMBA Student Technology Ecosystem,Student Technology Ecosystem
- EMBA Students, preserve your data: BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE OFFICE 365, G SUITE, BOX ACCOUNTS ARE DEACTIVATED. After you finish with your program, there is a short time before your UW data storage accounts expire.
- If you need help with your tablet, the first line of help should be one of the EEPMBA student staff. They may be able to find a solution to your question or guide you to a service that may help you fix the issue. Visit the support page to get detailed information on the best contact to get help with specific issues.