EPMBA - Sharing files in OneDrive

The following articles are intended to help you share files for collaboration.

Home :: OneDrive :: OneNote

Sharing files in OneDrive for collaboration on your Surface Pro:

Sharing Microsoft Word documents

  1. Click on the share button in the upper right hand corner.

    Click Share button

  2. Enter the email of the recipient you would like to share it with.
    Enter email

  3. Choose whether you would like them to edit the document or view it.

    Edit or view doc

  4. This document can be found in the "Shared with me" folder of the recipient's OneDrive online. 

    Shared doc in OneDrive

This video demonstrated the above steps on sharing Word documents:

  1. Click on the share button in the upper right hand corner.

    Share Excel

  2. Enter the email of the recipient you would like to share it with and choose whether you would like them to edit the document or view it.

    Edit or view

  3. This document can be found in the "Shared with me" folder of the recipient's OneDrive online.

    Shared with me folder

Sharing Microsoft OneNote (Windows 10) Notebooks
  1. Click on the share button in the upper right hand corner.

    Share button

  2. Enter the email of the recipient you would like to share it with.

    Edit or View

  3. Choose whether you would like them to edit the document or view it.

    Edit or view

  4. This notebook can be found in the "Shared with me" folder of the recipient's OneDrive.

    Note: You can also share a notebook in OneNote 2016. Check Sharing OneNote Notebooks for more instructions.

    EMBA Ending

    ATW, EEPMBA, tablet, Surface Executive, OneDrive, sharing, OneNote, EEMBA, EMBA 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Doug E. in Wisconsin School of Business
    Wisconsin School of Business