Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-31-17
Approved 9-7-17
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Beth Giles; Mallory Musolf; Kevin Niemi, Chair; Jim Rogers
Guests: Mary Luther, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jake Smith, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 1:34 p.m.
The minutes of August 24, 2017, were approved.
General Reports
Chair Kevin Niemi reported that the new shared governance chairs met for the first time. This group needs to finish the charge for the shared governance ad hoc committee. They also discussed the Regents committee on chancellor and vice chancellor searches, and campus guidelines for protests. The University Leadership Summit was held on Wednesday, August 30. Kevin asked a question of the Chancellor about the Title and Total Compensation Study.
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that Assembly orientation was held on Tuesday, August 28. The University Committee met with Rachel Jeris from UW-Madison Legal Affairs. The Faculty Senate is likely to consider a revised consensual relationships policy this fall due to a newly revised UW System policy. In the past, this has also gone through the Assembly for approval. Academic staff governance has been asked to nominate a member of the new study group on the history of the Ku Klux Klan on the UW-Madison campus that has been put together by the Chancellor.
• September Assembly Agenda
Motion to approve the September Assembly agenda (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
• Appointments to the Instructional Titles Ad Hoc Committee
Motion to approve Robin Kurtz and Sarah Jedd to the Instructional Titles Ad Hoc Committee (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
• ASEC Member Subscriptions
Heather asked if ASEC members would like to be subscribed to some of the regular newsletters on campus. Heather agreed to send out a survey to see which subscriptions ASEC members already have.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Jocelyn Milner is serving on the committee at UW System that is working on metrics. They have been hearing from people who have done research on this topic. UW-Madison’s peers for these exercises will be the public universities in the Big Ten that are members of the American Association of Universities.
The Joint Committee on Finance approved funding in the capital budget for the parking structure near Veterinary Medicine as well as work on the Bascom Hill steam pipes.
The School of Education is offering sessions for instructors to learn and talk about how to have difficult discussions in class called the Discussion Project. The pilot for the curriculum will be this fall. Instructional academic staff are welcome to participate.
The Provost also discussed the need for instructional academic staff to be included in orientation activities that are related to teaching.
Guests: Mary Luther and Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources
ASEC, Mary Luther and Mark Walters discussed ASEC’s frustration with academic staff governance not being involved in the decision-making process for the Title and Total Compensation study. ASEC felt that the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team was supposed to be involved in that process, but has been spending time editing various documents for the campus forums.
Several ideas were discussed including having separate meetings with Ron Harris and Heather McFadden, (the academic staff serving on the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team), having Ron and Heather attending working team meetings or making sure the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team was involved in decision-making. It was agreed that the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team would become more engaged in the decision-making process as had been originally intended. Mary also agreed to meet with ASEC, Heather and Ron for feedback on the proposed subfamilies. Mary also suggested that there may be some additional Job Family Functional Teams that make sense to have more than one subject matter expert from the academic staff. ASEC can look at this during the appointment process.
Meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff
ASEC Minutes
1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 31, 2017
53 Bascom Hall
1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, August 31, 2017
53 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Beth Giles; Mallory Musolf; Kevin Niemi, Chair; Jim Rogers
Guests: Mary Luther, Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jake Smith, Mark Walters
The meeting was called to order at 1:34 p.m.
The minutes of August 24, 2017, were approved.
General Reports
Chair Kevin Niemi reported that the new shared governance chairs met for the first time. This group needs to finish the charge for the shared governance ad hoc committee. They also discussed the Regents committee on chancellor and vice chancellor searches, and campus guidelines for protests. The University Leadership Summit was held on Wednesday, August 30. Kevin asked a question of the Chancellor about the Title and Total Compensation Study.
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that Assembly orientation was held on Tuesday, August 28. The University Committee met with Rachel Jeris from UW-Madison Legal Affairs. The Faculty Senate is likely to consider a revised consensual relationships policy this fall due to a newly revised UW System policy. In the past, this has also gone through the Assembly for approval. Academic staff governance has been asked to nominate a member of the new study group on the history of the Ku Klux Klan on the UW-Madison campus that has been put together by the Chancellor.
• September Assembly Agenda
Motion to approve the September Assembly agenda (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
• Appointments to the Instructional Titles Ad Hoc Committee
Motion to approve Robin Kurtz and Sarah Jedd to the Instructional Titles Ad Hoc Committee (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
• ASEC Member Subscriptions
Heather asked if ASEC members would like to be subscribed to some of the regular newsletters on campus. Heather agreed to send out a survey to see which subscriptions ASEC members already have.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Jocelyn Milner is serving on the committee at UW System that is working on metrics. They have been hearing from people who have done research on this topic. UW-Madison’s peers for these exercises will be the public universities in the Big Ten that are members of the American Association of Universities.
The Joint Committee on Finance approved funding in the capital budget for the parking structure near Veterinary Medicine as well as work on the Bascom Hill steam pipes.
The School of Education is offering sessions for instructors to learn and talk about how to have difficult discussions in class called the Discussion Project. The pilot for the curriculum will be this fall. Instructional academic staff are welcome to participate.
The Provost also discussed the need for instructional academic staff to be included in orientation activities that are related to teaching.
Guests: Mary Luther and Mark Walters, Office of Human Resources
ASEC, Mary Luther and Mark Walters discussed ASEC’s frustration with academic staff governance not being involved in the decision-making process for the Title and Total Compensation study. ASEC felt that the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team was supposed to be involved in that process, but has been spending time editing various documents for the campus forums.
Several ideas were discussed including having separate meetings with Ron Harris and Heather McFadden, (the academic staff serving on the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team), having Ron and Heather attending working team meetings or making sure the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team was involved in decision-making. It was agreed that the Campus Collaboration and Outreach Team would become more engaged in the decision-making process as had been originally intended. Mary also agreed to meet with ASEC, Heather and Ron for feedback on the proposed subfamilies. Mary also suggested that there may be some additional Job Family Functional Teams that make sense to have more than one subject matter expert from the academic staff. ASEC can look at this during the appointment process.
Meeting adjourned at 3:53 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff