University Special Students and Guest Auditors: a comparison

University Special Students and Guest Auditors comparison chart

 University Special Students  
 Guest Auditors
 UGST*  and UGSR* 
Credit and Grades
Receive credits and a grade on an official UW–Madison transcript.
Do not receive credits or a letter grade. Receive an “AU” on an official UW–Madison transcript and an “S” (satisfactory) or “NR” (no report).
Tuition and Fees
 Most classifications pay the Undergraduate/Special rate per credit.  UNCS pay the Graduate tuition rate - see specific Capstone programs for tuition information. UNOL pay a rate less than nonresident tuition but slightly more than WI residence tuition and pay no segregated fees. (Note: Some courses have special fees.)
UGST- Guest auditors pay reduced fees. See the Office of the Registrar page 'student career' 'Guest'.
UGSR - no fees.
Course participation
 Full participants in all aspects of course (expected to complete all assignments and exams, participate in discussions, etc.)
Observe only. Do not participate in discussions, take exams or quizzes, or complete homework assignments.
Enrollment limitations
Can enroll in most open classes for which they meet prerequisites except courses ending in -90 to -99, medical school, law school, vet school, and MBA classes. In other departments, Special students may have no access to certain classes, or may need to provide additional background information in order to be granted permission to enroll.
Can enroll in most non-participatory classes only. Classes involving laboratory, language, or performance skills are NOT available to audit. Instructor permission is necessary to enroll in class. Departments and instructors reserve the right to deny permission to audit their classes. 
Course enrollment process
Enroll via MyUW on appointed enrollment date (approximately one week prior to the start of fall and spring semesters; early April for summer semester).Must obtain instructor’s permission to audit course. After permission is entered into campus computer system, enroll via MyUW.
Access to campus facilities
Except UNOL who do not pay segregated fees, most special student categories have full access to ALL university services including campus libraries, computer facilities, free bus program, free access to recreational facilities, and University Health Services. Only international students (except those enrolled as UNOL) are eligible for the Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP).
Access to campus libraries, computer facilities, but NOT other services covered by segregated fees such as free bus program, recreational facilities (may pay for access), and University Health Services.
Transfer of credits
Courses eligible for transfer pending approval of receiving institution.
Courses do NOT transfer to accredited degree programs.

*Glossary term

Follow this link to 'Learn More' about the glossary terms listed in this document

UW–Madison Continuing Studies
Adult Career and Special Student Services
21 N Park Street, Suite 7101 | Madison, WI 53715 | 608-263-6960

ACSSS DCS adult nondegree university special student continuing studies classes guest career nontraditional advising credit courses 
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Anne N. in Adult Career and Special Student Services
Adult Career and Special Student Services