Engr EMS Client for Mac

How to use the EMS Client on a Macintosh.

The EMS Client is a Windows only application. If you are using a Macintosh computer, you have a couple options:

  • Use the Campus Remote Desktop Service (RDS)
  • Install Boot Camp and dual boot between Windows and Mac
  • Install a Virtual Machine running windows (under Parallels)
The simplest will probably using the campus Remote Desktop Service.  This document is for this method. The other methods, see your department support person.

Get Access to The Remote Desktop Service

First step is to contact the campus Helpdesk (DoIT) and request that your campus NetID be granted access to the Remote Desktop Service. It may take a couple days before access gets granted.

Install the Macintosh Windows Remote Desktop

Next, you will need to install the Windows Remote Desktop Client on your Macintosh. Follow the instructions on this KB article:  https://kb.wisc.edu/page.php?id=1775

Using EMS on the RDS

  1. Confirm that you're connected to a campus network or have a WiscVPN connection active if you're on an off-campus network
  2. In the web browser of your choice navigate to https://remotedesktop.doit.wisc.edu.
  3. Review the security statement, then login by entering "AD\[YourNetID]" for the username (e.g. "AD\bbadger") and your NetID password. Please note the username requires a backslash [ \ ] between "AD" and your NetID; a forwardslash [ / ] in the username will result in an error.
  4. You'll be presented with the remote desktops and applications available to you.
    -If you only need to use a single application and see it listed here, click the application.
    -If you will be using multiple applications or otherwise prefer a full desktop experience, click "Full Desktop Session".
  5. A connection file will be downloaded to your computer. Depending on your browser, open the file by clicking it in the download bar or choosing "Open".
  6. Enter your username and password as previously in step 3, then click "OK" to be connected to your chosen desktop session or application.
The first time you launch EMS, it is going to ask you for an AppFacade Server URL. Enter the following information:
AppFacade Server URL: https://uwmadison.emscloudservice.com/desktop/ 
Example Screen Shot:
App Facade URL
When prompted, sign in with the EMS Credentials you were provided:
ems splashscreen
Email Settings
Next, Open up the Settings -> Preferences Menu
Settings then Preferences
On this screen, you need to:
  • Uncheck "Use Global Email Settings"
  • Under the SMTP Email section:
    • Change Mode to "Authenticated (Specific)"
    • Fill in Server with "smtp.office365.com"
    • Enter User Name with your netid with @wisc.edu after. Example: If your NetID is bbadger, then enter bbadger@wisc.edu
    • Enter your NetID password for Password
Example settings:
Email Settings
And Click OK
Now exit the EMS Program. There is a bug where it won't take the preferences until you restart the application, so sending any email confirmations won't work until the next time you start the EMS application.
When you are done using EMS, close the EMS application, and then logout from the RDS server

ems client calendar room schedule 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
James D. in CAE
Computer-Aided Engineering