Computer Sciences - Payroll - Student Hourly Appointments

This document provides information on hiring a student hourly.

Please complete the CS Student Hourly Hiring Form. This is a Google Form.

To aid with the form, here is list of the required information:
  1. Student Last Name
  2. First Name
  3. UW Student ID Number (9-digit code on Wiscard)
  4. Email
  5. Start Date
  6. End Date
  7. Hourly Rate
  8. Funding Information
  9. Supervisor/Primary Approver Name
  10. Backup Approver Name


Please contact CS Hiring if you have questions about student hourly hires.

Keywordscomputer sciences cs comp sci faculty student hourly appointment biweekly   Doc ID78924
OwnerLance P.GroupComp Sci
Created2017-12-27 15:48:43Updated2019-11-06 14:30:04
SitesDepartment of Computer Sciences
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