Symantec Endpoint Protection- Disabling and Enabling Instructions

This document describes how to enable or disable Symantec Endpoint Protection on your computer. You may need to disable Symantec if you are unable to download and install certain software.

Disabling Symantec Endpoint Protection

  1. Navigate to the Start menu.
  2. In the search box type in Run or Winsearching for the run application in the start menuR

    run Smc -stop in run menu

  3. In the Run menu, type in "Smc -stop" and click Ok.


  4. Symantec Endpoint Protection should now be disabled.

Enabling Syamtec Endpoint Protection

  1. Navigate to the Start menu.
  2. In the search box type in Run or WinplusR.

    searching for the run application in the start menu

  3. In the Run menu, type in "Smc -start" and click Ok.

    run Smc -start in run menu

  4. Symantec Endpoint Protection should now be enabled.

Keywordswiscvpn error download downloading enable disable turn off on turn-off turn-on virus software installation   Doc ID79704
OwnerHelp Desk KB TeamGroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2018-01-28 14:20:21Updated2022-12-02 13:28:12
SitesDoIT Help Desk
Feedback  72   98