Communications Committee Minutes 11-29-17

Academic Staff Communications Committee
1:30-2:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 29, 2017
52 Bascom

2017-2018 ASCC Members: Matthew Call (Chair); Jennifer Garrett; Yael Gen; Emily Kite; Jan Klawitter; Robyn Perrin; Diane Stojanovich; Lori Wilson

Members Present: Matthew Call; Jennifer Garrett; Yael Gen; Emily Kite; Robyn Perrin; Diane Stojanovich

1.    Guest: Aaron Crandall, Academic Staff Executive Committee
•    Committee met and discussed connection between Communications Committee and ASEC
      i.    Committee chair will reach out to ASEC on charges, what committee is working on.
      ii.    Based on discussion from Committee to create and house content related to Academic Staff, Aaron will contact Academic Staff about upgrading/modifying website.
      iii.    Committee discussed further ways to generate content to promote Academic Staff, including bios of representative members, following up on passed resolutions, and tailoring messages to unrepresented districts.

2.    Election of Chair for ’17-18 (continued)
•    Committee decided not to take action on this item.

3.    Review of email newsletter for Fall; look forward to Winter and/or Spring
•    Committee will set a date for next send at its next meeting.

4.    Annual Survey re-send; changes?
•    Committee decided to keep the 2016 survey intact. Committee decided to add instruction language specifying that this survey is different than the Title And Total Compensation Survey. Chair will forward info to Academic Staff Secretary.

5.    Other business
•    Member terms
      i.    Committee discussed expiring terms of members.
•    AS website
     i.    Committee discussed this item earlier in the meeting.
•    October minutes
     i.    This item was tabled.
•    Next meeting
     i.    Committee decided on January for next meeting.

6.    Adjourned

CC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff