HelioCampus AC - Eval Results - Changing the Minimum Response Requirement (Admin) [UW-Madison]

HelioCampus AC administrators can adjust the Minimum Response value in HelioCampus AC so that instructors can see their survey evaluation results in courses with low enrollments or low survey response rates.

By default, UW-Madison instructors cannot see the results of their course evaluation surveys unless a minimum of five students have responded.

As necessary, HelioCampus AC administrators can lower the minimum response requirement for a course section, course, department, or college. However, you always want to make sure the course evaluations are anonymous, so carefully consider if you should lower just the minimum for a single course or for the entire department. Below are instructions to change the minimum at the department or college, at the course, and at the section level. 


Changing the Minimum Response Requirement for a Department or College

HelioCampus AC college or department administrators can lower the minimum responses requirement for all courses in their college or department. Changing this setting at the department and/or college level is not recommended. However, it may be useful for departments that contain many small-enrollment courses.

Locate and open the HelioCampus AC Department to be edited

  1. Log into HelioCampus AC with your NetID credentials.
  2. Select the Menu button (three stacked lines commonly called the hamburger menu) on the left side of the page to open the HelioCampus AC main menu.
    Image of HelioCampus AC menu button

  3. Under the Organizational Hierarchy header, select Departments. (If you are a college admin, select Colleges.)
    Main menu of Heliocampus AC with Departments selected

  4. The Available Departments page lists all of the departments for which you are an administrator. If you submit Program Assessment Reports you will see all departments, however, you will only be able to edit the one(s) you have rights to edit. Find your department and select Manage on the right side of the page.
    Image of available departments in HelioCampus AC

  5. Your Department Home page will open. From here you can manage a range of settings and information for your department.

Make the change

  1. Select Course Settings.
    HelioCampus AC Course Settings menu item

  2. Under Survey Results Settings, find the field Minimum Response To Show Results. Enter the new minimum number of responses.
    HelioCampus AC Minimum Responses Settings

  3. Select the Save button (near the Minimum Enrollment Count to Assign Survey field).

Changing the Minimum Response Requirement for a Course or Course Section

The above instructions demonstrate how to change the minimum response requirement for an entire department. The following instructions explain how HelioCampus AC college or department administrators can alter the minimum responses for a single course section.

  1. Log into HelioCampus AC with your NetID credentials.
  2. Select the Menu button (three stacked lines) on the left side of the page to open the HelioCampus AC main menu.
    HelioCampus AC Menu Icon

  3. Select Courses or Course Sections, depending on what you want to edit.
    Image shows HelioCampus AC Menu with "Courses" and "Course Sections" highlighted

  4. Find the relevant course or course section and click Manage.
  5. Select Settings.
    80755_HelioCampus AC_Course_Section_Settings.png

  6. Under Survey Results Settings, find the field Minimum Response To Show Results. Enter the new minimum number of responses.
    Image shows Survey Settings field as shown in Course Section settings

  7. Select Save.

AEFIS responses number settings value minimum small enrollment can't see results course evaluation survey 
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