Standard Computer Setup - Computer Eligibility
- 1 Windows Computer {desktop + monitor(s), or laptop + monitor(s)} per 100% position, additionally, when required, one printer
- Typical cost of computer plus monitor is $750 for desktop, $200 for monitor
- Laptops are essential for those with work@home agreements due to restrictions on using personal equipment.
- For desktops, a second monitor by request (need an email request), standard monitor is included (non-standard sizes may incur extra cost to the department)
- For those with laptops, docks + one standard monitor are included.
- Laptop can be in lieu of desktop and monitor (eg professorship/fisc) (we cover the first 1050 toward a laptop eg the cost of a well equipped campus bundle laptop )
- Computer life Cycle is 4 years. Monitor life cycle is indefinite.