University Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-02-26

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 03/19/2018
Approved minutes for February 26, 2018          Approved March 19, 2018, as amended.

UC members present: Amasino (arr. 1:05), Bowers, Litovsky (arr. 1:02; dep. 4:05), Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield (by phone)
Others present: S. Smith, J. O’Meara, P. Schneider, J. Richard, M. Felber, H. Daniels, C. Springer

Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. and directed attention to the weekly update on the Extension-Madison reunion and a draft memo on the library master plan, asking UC members to send any comments on the latter to the secretary of the faculty by the end of the day. Jack O’Meara updated the UC on the status of various bills in the state legislature. The UC finalized the agenda for the March Senate meeting. UW-Extension faculty members Mike Ballweg, Elmo Rawling, and Alexia Kulwiec, along with UWEX Secretary of Faculty and Staff Andrea Cool discussed pending issues related to the merger, primarily establishment of the working group on tenure. Each unit will pick 4 faculty members, distributed as most appropriate to that campus. The two secretaries will serve as ex officio members and conveners. General discussion of charge, which will be fleshed out by Ventura and Rawling in coming weeks.

Associate Professor and chair of the advisory group on student immigration and international issues committee Cindy I-Fen Cheng presented the history of that committee to the UC, along with the reasons for making it a Chapter 6 committee. While initially convened to address DACA/Dreamer issues, the committee has shown that it can have a useful and important impact on a wider range of issues. Demonstrated impact includes free clinic for undocumented immigrants and development of informational tools. Immigrant and international students and staff would benefit greatly from a formal committee. Following ample discussion, UC expressed strong support and will move creation of this formal committee at Senate.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf provided updates on various high-level searches and then discussed divisional committee membership and divisional processes with UC and secretary of the faculty. Focus on interdisciplinary programs and how to address boundary-traversing work. Ample discussion. Chad Goldberg presented a resolution on shared governance for Senate consideration. Ample discussion lead to several possible modifications that will be considered and a revised draft submitted. Chief Human Resources Officer Wayne Guthrie reported on the progress of the Title and Total Compensation study, performance reviews and the pay plan, and realignments in OHR. College of Engineering dean Ian Robertson and Engineering Professional Development chair Doug Reindl reported on discussions about closing EPD as a department. Most likely outcome is to move faculty to other departments and make EPD into an office. Robertson plans to follow COE APC recommendation. Not clear where degree programs are technically housed, but an EPD office could be designated an academic program home (“department-like unit”) with proper vetting.

Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Norman Drinkwater reported on several searches (Waisman, D2P, SSEC). Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Policy and Integrity Brian Fox discussed campus COI management, amidst ample discussion. Staff and chancellor-appointed COI committee review outside activity reports (about 80% of faculty/staff have no outside activities to report), focusing on nexus between outside activities and campus duties. If committee assesses overlap, management plan put in place, with focus on disclosure. There are about 400 management plans across campus, mostly in SMPH and COE, with a fair number in CALS and L&S. 

The UC briefly discussed the types of people most appropriate to serve on the tenure working group – and will pick individuals in closed session at the next meeting. Wanner adjourned the meeting at 4:07 p.m. 

University committee 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty