Microsoft 365 - Domain Service Account Listing

Microsoft 365 domain administrators have the ability to view a listing of all the Service Accounts within a domain.

View domain account listing

  1. Log into the Wisc Account Administration site with your NetID credentials.
  2. Select the desired domain you want to access from within the "Domains" listing.
  3. Expand the Domain Administration section
  4. Click Account Listing menu option.

You will be presented with a listing of all service accounts.

Actions you can perform within the 'Account Listing' screen

  • Filter the listing by clicking on any of the characters.
  • Sort the listing by clicking on any of the column headings: Login ID | First | Last | Description.
  • To access further account details, click on the specific account ID.

microsoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 domains administer administrators administration administrative accessing adding delete deleting modifying accounts lists netids managing service 
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WAA S. in Wisc Account Admin
DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin