Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-19-18
Approved on 04-26-18
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 19, 2018
53 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Bruno Browning; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Mallory Musolf; Kevin Niemi, chair; Jim Rogers; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron
Guests: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Kristen Roman, Jake Smith
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.
The minutes of April 5, 2018, were approved with one correction.
Guest: Kristen Roman, Chief of Police
Chief Roman talked about classroom safety. UWPD is very aware of this issue and have seen an increase in questions about this. They are working toward a more systematic way to better secure classrooms. Facilities Planning and Management have assembled a group with the UWPD to examine the minimum security they would like classrooms to have. Possible ideas would be to have doors that can be locked from the inside, keys with key holders to lock doors and electronic access for all doors that could lock down a building. Some of these ideas may be cost prohibitive.
They are also working to engage with faculty and staff to know their classrooms and figure out where to shelter in place. They need everyone to be part of the solution. The department does offer active shooting training each month. They can also bring the training to individual departments/units.
In regards to surveillance cameras on campus, these are not actively monitored. They are used to help solve crimes. The campus camera policy is owned jointly by DoIT and UWPD.
Chief Roman has put together an advisory council made up of representatives from various parts of campus. They plan to have information about this committee online by the end of the semester. They have held a couple of meetings so far. The meetings are open to everyone interested.
Guest: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Provost Mangelsdorf talked briefly about the performance metrics for UW System. All institutions would be assessed on the same metrics, but could choose how to weigh the metrics. There are 4 different categories: access, success, workforce and efficiency. The metrics should be stable for all campuses, which is important so you don’t have large fluctuations from year to year. The metrics were presented to the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance and were approved on Wednesday.
There is a committee working on the revised Consensual Relationships Policy for UW-Madison. There are two versions of the policy that differ in regards to whether relationships between undergraduates and faculty/staff are allowed. The policy should be ready for vetting by shared governance groups in the fall.
The provost agreed to check with the Chancellor regarding funding for the two leadership awards that will no longer be funded by WAA.
General Reports
ASEC Chair Kevin Niemi reported that Heather Daniels and he met with the UW-Extension Academic Staff Council last week. They had specific questions about districting, CASIs, years of service. They passed a resolution during that meeting that they will exist as the academic staff governance body for UW-Extension until all UW-Extension academic staff have transitioned.
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported Gene Masters has put together a program to help with the annual look at district sizes. The Secretary’s office has agreed to use the program to create a proposal for the DRC to approve. A request has been made for members of the Dean of the School of Business Search and Screen Committee. The Secretary’s office will send out a call.
Heather reported that she had talked to Jeff Novak regarding the decision to change the length of time allowed for academic staff and faculty to stay in university housing. Jeff indicated this was due to student demand for family housing. He said that they were willing to work with individual situations. Heather referred those who had contacted her to contact University Apartments and to come back to her if a satisfactory solution was unable to be reached.
Heather also reported that the Wisconsin Alumni Association has decided to no longer support the two excellence awards they had previously supported. Instead they are looking to support a single award for institutional advancement. Details are still being worked on regarding this new award.
Motion to Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to Discuss Appointments to Archives Committee, Campus Transportation Committee, Committee on GLBTQ People in the University, Health Care Advisory Committee, Lectures Committee, Library Committee, University Curriculum Committee, Campus Diversity and Climate Committee, Information Technology Committee, Lakeshore Nature Preserve Committee, Retirement Issues Committee, Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid and Nominations to the Wisconsin Union Council, Labor Codes and Licensing Committee, Athletic Board, Distinguished Prefix Committee, University Bookstore Board of Trustees, Academic Staff Appeals Committee, ARC-Physical Sciences/Engineering, ARC-Humanities/Social Sciences, ARC-Biological/Medical Sciences, and ARC-Administration/Student Services/Library (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
Motion to Convene in Open Session. (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
•Motion to re-nominate Phil Dunigan, William Heiss, Tom Tabone to the Area Review Committee (ARC)-Administration/Student Services/Library; John Dopp, Paul Hutson to the ARC-Biological/Medical Sciences; Christine DeSmet, Martha Gibson, Andrew Irving to the ARC-Humanities/Social Sciences; Tracy Drier, Charles Fry, Brian Jicha to the ARC-Phyical Sciences/Engineering; Hanna Blazel, Suzanne Ponik, Chris Schappel to the Academic Staff Appeals Committee; Larry Ashmun, Jean Heitz, Ruth Olson to the Distinguished Prefix Review Committee; Gretchen Viney to the Athletic Board; Megan O’Rourke to the Labor Codes and Licensing Committee, and Chris Verhaeghe to the Wisconsin Union Council (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
•Motion to re-appoint Daniel Einstein to Archives Committee; Cameron Scarlett to Campus Transportation Committee; Kelly Krein to GLBTQ People in the University; Kimberly Pinch to Health Care Advisory Committee; Antje Petty to the Lectures Committee; Carol Pech to the Library Committee and Mary Thompson to the University Curriculum Committee (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
•Motion to nominate Susanne Barnett to the ARC-Biological/Medical Sciences; Sheila Stockel to the Academic Staff Appeals Committee; Mary Ann Croft to the Distinguished Prefix Review Committee; and Todd Courtenay to the University Bookstore Board of Trustees (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
•Motion to appoint Tetyana Schneider, Douachong Lee to the Campus Diversity and Climate Committee; Joseph Webb to the Lakeshore Nature Preserve Committee; Ruth McNair to the Retirement Issues Committee; and J.J. Andrews to the Committee on Undergraduate Recruitment, Admissions and Financial Aid (Browning). Seconded. Approved.
•Motion to appoint Carol Hulland to Retirement Issues Committee (Dahlberg). Seconded. Approved.
•May Assembly Agenda
ASEC will invite David Darling, Director of Facilities Planning and Management, and the new director of the TTC study to present at the May Assembly meeting. There will be a report from the Committee on Women in the University. In addition, the meeting has two voting items at present. One is on years of service and the other the resolution regarding UW-Extension that was postponed from November.
•Topics from Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Strategic Plan
ASEC decided to ask Laurent Heller to talk about the internal controls project as well as the project regarding AIMS IT.
•UW-Extension Academic Staff Years of Service
ASEC reviewed a document prepared showing how the definition of years of service evolved in ASPP. They continued to discuss this issue. ASEC did not make any changes to the proposed motion for the Assembly.
Meeting adjourned at 4:33 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff