HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Instance - Viewing Survey Participants (Admin) [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to see who has participated in a HelioCampus AC evaluation survey. These instructions are intended for HelioCampus AC administrators.
  1. Using the left navigation menu, navigate to Surveys and select Survey Manager.
    Survey Manager is under the Surveys heading

  2. Find the survey that you would like to view and click Manage from the right Actions column.
    The manage button is to the right of the survey name, under the Actions column

  3. You will be brought to a dashboard page for the survey. In the left column, select Survey Participants.
    select Survey Participants

  4. If necessary, use the search bar to filter your results by course, section or department.      
    filter by course

  5. You should now have a list of all students who have received an evaluation for a given course. A green check mark indicates which students have submitted their evaluations.
  6. Use the Export button near the top of the page to export your results.

KeywordsAEFIS aphis afis checking surveys evaluations students export results lookup participants   Doc ID81999
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2018-05-01 12:12:44Updated2024-06-20 13:48:40
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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