Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-26-18

Approved 05-03-18

ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 26, 2018
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Bruno Browning, vice chair; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Beth Giles; 
Mallory Musolf; Jim Rogers; Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Guests: Alexi Brooks, Bobby Burrow, Daniel Hast, Laurent Heller, Julie Karpelenia, Dan Langer, Casey Nagy, David Natvig, Patrick Sheehan, Jake Smith, Tina Trevino-Murphy

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of April 19, 2018, were approved.

General Reports
Secretary of the Academic Staff Heather Daniels reported that the deadline for the DCS course grant had been reached, and 45 proposals were received.  The Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) will review the proposals.  The joint committee between UW-Madison and UW-Extension faculty regarding tenure has written a report that will be shared and discussed at the Faculty Senate in the May.  The report recommends a one-time move of UW-Extension faculty to UW-Madison faculty without going through the tenure process.  

•May Assembly Agenda
David Darling is unavailable to speak at the Assembly.  Beth will look for a guest to talk about the importance of shared governance and thank the Assembly for their work.  The Office of Human Resources will have someone there to give the Assembly an update on the Title and Total Compensation Study.  

•UW-Extension Academic Staff Years of Service
Motion to approve Motion to Count Years of Service for UW-Extension Academic Staff Moving to UW-Madison Academic Staff (ASA #685) (Crandall).  Seconded.  Approved.

Guests: Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration; Bobby Burrow, Director of Administrative Information Management Services (AIMS), and Dan Langer, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Business Services
ASEC had asked to hear more about the VCFA’s strategic plan in regards to AIMS and internal controls.  Bobby Burrow shared that there has not been a lot of transparency around IT spending.  There was a study prepared that recommended two things.  The first is that a governance structure for IT be created within the VCFA that could take a strategic looking forward approach to IT decisions.  The second is to reduce the duplication of infrastructure services.  Decisions regarding implementation of these goals are within the hands of the directors within VCFA.  No decisions have been made at this point except to look at IT collectively.

Dan Langer talked about internal controls.  Business Services began talking about this in 2013-14.  They brought in a third-party to do a risk assessment for the institution and report on gaps.  The first area that campus worked on was capital equipment.  This problem showed up in the campus A-133 audit as well as the LAB audit for 4 years running.  The next areas of concentration were cash management, cash handling and procurement cards.  They are in the process of rebuilding the Business Services website to make it more consumer friendly.  The next area will be purchasing.  

Guest: Casey Nagy, Provost Office Consultant (UW-Extension transition)
Casey Nagy reported that he expects to hear soon whether the Board of Regents resolution guaranteed tenure to faculty who are moving to other institutions.  

He has been in conversation with UW-Extension regarding employees who perform vital functions for UW-Extension and are not transitioning to another entity.  There is concern what will happen when these employees find another position.  If these employees move UW-Madison an effort will be made to align duties so that they can continue to work on UW-Extension issues.

Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) are being developed for each entity that will transition to UW-Madison.  The Department of Labor Education MOU is being development first.  They are nearly through the process.  He has shared the shared governance portion of the MOU with Madison Extension Governance Issues Committee (MEGIC) and will also share the final draft of the MOUs with them.  He hopes the MOUs can be executed by the end of May.  

All UW-Extension and Colleges employees will get a letter from UW System introducing them to what’s happening, where they are going, etc.  There is an all Cooperative Extension employee retreat on Monday.  The Chancellor, the Provost and Casey will be in attendance.

Plans remain on target to fully transition Extension UW-Madison Auxiliary Services on July 1.  The day they become UW-Madison employees, they will transition to UW-Madison governance.  

Guests: Patrick Sheehan, Office of Human Resources, and Julie Karpelenia, Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Graduate Assistant Policies and Procedures)
There has been a group working to move the TAA contract into policies and procedures without changing language.  The group needed to remove things that would no longer be consistent with the new relationship between UW-Madison and TAs/PAs.  Following this process, the group recommends that a subsequent committee look at other issues they have identified and become a regular standing committee.  

The working group did not agree in all areas and has provided an option 1 and option 2 in some areas.  The plan is to have the Executive Sponsors review the document in June.  They will be the ones to make the final decision regarding the different options.

Meeting adjourned at 4:34 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff