Checking CAE group membership

How to check who is a member of the groups you are a part of

1. Visit the Group Management page on

2. This page has a table listing the groups your CAE account is a member of, and links to view, Edit, or Delete the group (if your account can). Within the leftmost column, Group Name, click on the name of the group you want to get membership information about. Below is an example image: by clicking on "1186-me361" (the circled text) in the Group Name column, your browser would load the information page for the 1186-me361 group.

3. Once you load a group's information page,  the "Members" section includes a bulleted list of each group member's CAE username. Below is an example of a view of one group's members:

Keywordsgroups membership checking account   Doc ID83185
OwnerNoel K.GroupCAE
Created2018-06-25 14:37:32Updated2023-07-05 10:03:09
SitesComputer-Aided Engineering
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