AV - WSB - Active Learning Classrooms (ALCs)
These instructions are pertinent for the following rooms in Grainger Hall: 2210M, 2210N, 2210R, 2210S, & 2210U. Otherwise known as the ALCs. These rooms are most often used in their combined configurations, making them 2210MN, and 2210RS. 2210U is a standalone room and does not combine with another room. All instructions below related to combining of rooms do not apply to 2210U.
These rooms, unlike all other classrooms in Grainger Hall, do not have a podium computer present. As such, some kind of mobile device is required for sharing content on the in room displays. Instead of a projection screen, the rooms have multiple wall mounted monitors, two per room, four total when rooms are combined, all on the far wall from the entrance to the room. These monitors can be connected to either with an HDMI cable and the appropriate adapter at the rooms wall plate, or wirelessly using a device called a Wolfvision Cynap. There is one wall plate per room, and they are located directly beneath the left most displays in each room. How to use these two connection options is further outlined below.
Using the AV System
When you enter the room and the AV system is off, touch the "Press here to begin" button on the touch panel. Once you've done so, unless you're in 2210U, you'll be greeted with this page:
If you are using both halves of the room for your class, select "Combine Rooms" if you are only using one room, and the wall is in place between the rooms, select "Use Room Separately".
Regardless of what you choose, the input page will appear the same way. You'll have two sections, one for Left Display, and one for Right Display. Each showing three buttons, Wall-plate, Wireless, and Video Mute.
Separated Rooms
If you are in only one of the rooms, the left display buttons obviously correspond to the display on the left, and the right display buttons correspond to the display on the right.
For both displays, there is only one input, per input button (wireless or wall-plate). This means that if you select Wireless on both displays, they will both be showing the same thing. The same goes for if you select wall-plate on both displays, and plug in with an HDMI cable at the wall-plate. Whatever is connected via HDMI at that point, will show on both displays.
The Video Mute button for both displays will blank that specific displays image until it is turned off.
You can control playback volume using the buttons in the bottom right corner of the screen, and can mute with the button on the left side of the volume controls.
Combined Rooms
In the combined rooms setup, Left Display refers to the display on the left side of each individual room. So for example, say you're in the combined 2210MN. If you set Left Display to Wireless, it will show the wireless input on the monitor that's on the left in 2210M, and then the monitor on the left in 2210N.
For both sets of displays, there is only one input, per input button (wireless or wall-plate). This means that if you select Wireless on all four displays, they will all be showing the same thing. The same goes for if you select wall-plate on all four displays, and plug in with an HDMI cable at a wall-plate. Whatever is connected via HDMI at that point, will show on all displays displays.
The Video Mute button for both displays will blank their corresponding displays until it is pressed again to turn it off.
You can control playback volume using the buttons in the bottom right corner of the screen, and can mute with the button on the left side of the volume controls.
Wireless Connection - Wolfvision Cynap
Instructions on how to use the Wolfvision Cynap for Wireless connection can be found here: https://kb.wisc.edu/wsb/page.php?id=135126