Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-12-18

Approved 7-26-2018

ASEC Minutes
1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Thursday, July 12, 2018
53 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Donna Cole; Aaron Crandall; Jenny Dahlberg; Beth Giles; Kevin Niemi, chair; 
Deb Shapiro; Lindsey Stoddard Cameron

Guests: Bobby Brown, Sophia Calzavara, Russell Dimond, Laurent Heller, Amanda Thornton

The meeting was called to order at 1:34 p.m.

The minutes of June 21, 2018, were approved.

ASEC Orientation
Kevin Niemi provided ASEC members with an overview of ASEC.  Members of ASEC are elected to represent over 9000 academic staff on campus.  

General Reports
Kevin Niemi reported that he has received the call for academic staff to be appointed to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Search and Screen committee.  There will likely be two seats for academic staff.  Central administration is willing to provide funding for an academic staff member who is 100% supported on federal funds so that person can serve.  

Heather Daniels reported that the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs has asked to meet with ASEC.  Heather asked if ASEC would like an update on summer term this fall.  They indicated they did.  The committee looking at “Professor” titles met for the first time.  The UW-Madison/UW-Extension Academic Staff Policies Work Group met and discussed dismissal and layoff.  The major differences between the policies include notice periods although the Extension policy indicates that notice periods are only provided whenever possible while the UW-Madison periods are indicated as minimum notice, and how often laid off employees check in to remain eligible for layoff status. 

There is a proposal for UW-Madison shared governance bodies to create committees with UW-Extension/UW-Madison employees to discuss governance issues both pre-and post-transition with the committees ending in December 2019.  The Madison Extension Governance Integration Group (MEGIC) would become an information gathering body and would not meet going forward.  ASEC was in agreement with the idea.

Liaison Reports
Aaron Crandall reported that the SMPH CASI is looking to help University Staff create a CASI like body for SMPH.  Jenny Dahlberg reported that the Vet Med CASI is holding a presentation on the use of augmented reality for teaching.

•17-18 Assembly Stats
ASEC reviewed the meeting attendance and emails for Assembly Representatives/Alternates during the last year.  The average attendance was about 5 meetings and the average number of emails sent was about 3.5.
•18-19 Committee Assignments
ASEC reviewed liaison assignments with other governance bodies.  Motion to appoint Aaron Crandall to the Campus Planning Committee (Niemi). Seconded. Approved.  Motion to appoint Deb Shapiro to the University Academic Planning Council (Niemi). Seconded. Approved.
•Planning for 2018-19
ASEC decided to hold a meeting with standing committee chairs in late summer or early fall.  The meeting could include lunch.  Heather will send out a calendar to schedule something.
•Topics for Provost
 -Bucky Promise results
 -Affirmative Action-Trump administration rescinding guidelines
 -Travel ban countries-students who may be stuck there

Guest: Russell Dimond, Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee member
Russell completed some data analysis on the climate and respect questions from the 2016 Academic Staff Worklife Survey.  ASEC suggested that some further statistical analysis be conducted to determine what findings are statistically significant.  Russell agreed and will get back to ASEC with some more analysis.

Guest: Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
Tim Norris retired as the budget director this summer.  Jennifer Klippel has agreed to serve as the interim.  This provides the budget office with the opportunity to re-examine processes, etc. to make sure they are operating as efficiently as they can. 

In regards to administrative burden versus audit risk, you cannot control for 100% of all risk and mitigate it to 0.  There needs to be a balance that is achieved.  

Meeting adjourned at 4:01 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff