Lumen Programs Form: Rationale and Justifications Section

Series of linked KnowledgeBase documents that includes instructions for accessing and completing the Lumen Program form, start to finish. This document provides directions for completing the fields in the Rationale and Justifications section.

Table of Contents


Following are the questions/fields in this section, details on each field, and tips and guidance for completing the question/field. The questions/fields are listed in the order they appear on the form. Each will display, be hidden, or be disabled depending on the nature of the proposal. 

How does the named option relate to the major and to other named options in the major, if relevant?

For proposals for new named options or substantive changes to existing named options, explain how the degree program is structured to utilize the named option. As noted in the question, this includes how the named option appropriately relates to the degree program and to any other named options, as applicable.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New or Change named options
  • Not available when the proposal is a less than 50% change
  • Limit 1000 words

Why is the program being proposed? What is its purpose?

This is a straight-forward question, seeking a succinct rationale for the new program's addition to the array. Subsequent questions ask specifically about relation to mission, student demand, market demand, etc., so the response to this question is essentially an overview of the why the new program is being proposed. 

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New program (all)
  • Question Type: Text entry
  • Limit 1000 words

How is the certificate program designed to complement the degree/major of participating students?

All undergraduate and graduate/professional certificate programs are awarded in conjunction with a degree program. Explain how the proposed certificate program will enhance the academic experience or preparation for students.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New undergraduate or graduate/professional certificate
  • Question Type: Text entry
  • Limit 500 words

What is its relation to the institution's mission? (Consider the mission broadly as a major research university with missions in teaching, research, service, and the Wisconsin Idea.) How does it contribute to the mission of the sponsoring unit(s)?

Review UW-Madison's mission, as well as the mission of the proposed program's school/college or department. Explain how the program aligns and advances those missions.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New degree/major
  • Question Type: Text entry

Do current students need or want the program? Provide evidence.

Provide evidence of current student demand for the proposed program. The response should include, as appropriate, 1) the method used to project student demand for the program, 2) studies conducted and data that support and sustain student demand, 3) how approval of a new program will affect existing enrollments/demand for related programs, etc.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New degree/major, certificate, capstone, or named option
  • Question Type: Text entry

What is the market, workforce, and industry need for this program? Provide evidence.

Provide evidence of need for the program as suggested by market demand. This should include details on the national, state, regional, and local market, workforce, and industry needs for the proposed program, including relevant data. In addition to the market research, proposers might also consider a review of peer programs at other institutions, current trends in the field, etc. For additional suggestions on writing this section, review the Landscape Assessment and Feedback from Stakeholders section of the KB on Academic Program Name Changes; not all information is relevant, but there might be helpful ideas.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New degree/major, certificate, capstone, or named option
  • Question Type: Text entry

How does the program represent emerging knowledge, or new directions in professions and disciplines?

Describe how the new program has been evaluated against and/or seeks to address current and emerging patterns, trends, and expectations in the profession and/or discipline. 

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New degree/major
  • Question Type: Text entry

In what ways will the program prepare students through diverse elements in the curriculum for an integrated and multicultural society (may include diversity issues in the curriculum or other approaches)?

As the question suggests, respond to explain how the program's requirements have been designed to prepare students for citizenship in a democratic society by teaching them to consider the needs of all individuals. 

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New degree/major
  • Question Type: Text entry

What gap in the program array is it intended to fill?

Discuss the program in relation to the university’s academic program array. How will it complement or fill a gap within current offerings? Consider both related program names/titles and Classifications of Instructional Program (CIP) codes. 

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: New honors or degree/major, certificate, capstone, named option
  • Question Type: Text entry

What is the rationale for this change?

For program change proposals, provide an overview on why the change is needed/desired. This can include details on the problem that is being solved/addressed by the change, the motivation for the change, etc.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: Change
  • Required field: Yes
  • Not available on programs with a status of: "suspended admissions", "suspend, will be discontinued", or "discontinued"
  • Question Type: Text entry

What evidence do you have that these changes will have the desired impact?

For program change proposals, related to the prior question on the rationale for the change, describe how/why the unit believes the change will address the identified need.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: Change
  • Required field: Yes
  • Not available on programs with a status of: "suspended admissions", "suspend, will be discontinued", or "discontinued"
  • Question Type: Text entry

What is the potential impact of the proposed change(s) on enrolled students?

For program change proposals, describe how the proposed change(s) will impact continuing students. For example, will the change offer more flexibility in completing program requirements, will it shorten time to degree, etc.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: Change
  • Required field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text entry

What is the potential impact of the proposed change(s) on faculty and staff?

For program change proposals, describe how the proposed change(s) will impact faculty and/or staff. Consider aspects such as workload, instructional load, related programs, etc.

Field logic

  • Proposal Type: Change
  • Required field: Yes
  • Question Type: Text entry

evidence of need, university mission, gap in program array, rationale for change, student impact, faculty and staff impact 
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Karen M. in Lumen and Guide
Lumen and Guide