Lumen Programs Form: Related Programs Section

Direction and guidance for completing the fields in the Related Programs section of program proposals.

List majors and certificates that may not be earned in combination with this program.

If a program determines there is a similar enough program where the student should not be completing both programs, you must list those exclusions here (i.e. Business: Accounting BBA and an Accounting undergraduate certificate). You must also list this information in the How to Get in Guide integration point.

  • Select each program from the drop-down. Utilize the green plus button if there are more than one program that should not be completed with this program.
  • The filed pulls from all transcript titles in Lumen programs, so there are multiple for each degree level (i.e. French BA, French MA, French PHD); the degree does not display. It does not matter which you select.

Form logic

  • Proposal Type: New or Change undergraduate degree/major or certificate. Disabled when less than 50% change proposal.
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Drop-down List

List majors that are anticipated to frequently be completed in combination with the proposed program.

For each, describe how the proposed program can be completed in combination with the major without increasing time to degree. list majors that are anticipated to frequently be completed in combination with the proposed program. Evidence should be provided in the text field about how this potential combination will not increase time to degree. This will not prompt the system to send an automatic email to those programs listed. As such, a best practice would be to include those programs as a vested interest.

Form logic

  • Proposal Type: New or Change undergraduate certificate. Disabled when less than 50% change proposal.
  • Required Field: Yes
  • Question Type: Multi-part: Drop-down List and Text entry.

Provide information in related programs offered by other UW System institutions and explain the extent to which the proposed program is distinct and how it overlaps or duplicates those programs.

If the proposal is for a new degree/major the proposer will need to provide information about related programs offered by other UW-System institutions. Please be sure to explain the extent to which the proposed program is distinct and how it overlaps with those programs identified.

Form logic

  • Proposal Type: New undergraduate degree/major.
  • Question Type: Text entry
  • Limit 500 words.

duplication, overlap, programs in combination 
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Karen M. in Lumen and Guide
Lumen and Guide