2019 Course Schedule & Materials

Pd Date Modules and Topics Activities
Module I: Setting the Stage
1 F. 09/06 Introduction: Professional Identity | Discussion as a teaching and learning technique
2 F. 09/13 Understanding Teaching and Learning: Learning to Learn
Understanding Teaching and Learning: Diverse students: Learning styles and instructional design
Module II: Diversity - Nationality, Ethnicity, Culture, Race and Gender
3 F. 09/20 Instructor's Nationality and Culture: Being a "Third-Country" Professor

Instructor's Gender: Women Faculty 
4 F. 09/27  Student's Nationality and Culture: Undergraduate: International and American Student Engagement
    Student's Nationality and Culture: Graduate:  Advisor Advisee Relations   
F. 10/04  Privileges and Invisible Differences: Stereotype Threat
Privileges and Invisible Differences: First Generation to College  
Module III: Effective Undergraduate Teaching: Indoctrinate (a crowd) versus Educate (each student)
6 F. 10/11 Introduction to Learning Theories: Behaviorism and Constructivism
Introduction to Learning Theories: AM vs PM Metaphor
7 F. 10/18  Introduction to "Teaching as Research": Views of a Physics Nobel Prize Scientist Turned Educator 
Introduction to "Teaching as Research": PowerPoint vs. Active Learning   
8 F. 10/25 Learning in-class - Active Learning: A Meta-analysis
Learning outside of class - Effective Learning (Study Habits)  
9 F. 11/01 Excellence vs. Scholarship (SoTL): Exploring and Defining the Concepts

Excellence vs. Scholarship (SoTL): From Lecture to Discussion-based Course
10 F. 11/08 Assessment of Learning: Historical and Futuristic Perspectives
Assessment of Teaching: Classroom Assessment Techniques  
Module IV: Micro-teaching
11 F. 11/15 Go to the Micro-teaching Teaching Page
12 F. 11/22 Go to the Micro-teaching Teaching Page
-- F. 11/29 Thanksgiving Recess 
13 F. 12/06 Go to the Micro-teaching Teaching Page
End of the Journey - Congratulations!


Wk 01 - 09/06 - Setting the Stage

Synopsis: The first day of class we'll get to know each other and we'll set the stage for our learning journey. The beauty of exploring how to create effective classroom with students and (or) faculty with distinct nationalities is that it will provide us with a platform to explore what we can do "locally" (i.e., in our classrooms) to help create "global citizens." After the introduction, we'll discuss the assigned materials that were selected to meet today's class objectives: a) The development of professional identity of doctoral students and b) Using discussion as a mode of teaching.

Pre-Class Assignments:
  • Go to the following page and use the "blog page" to Introduce Yourself to your classmates.
  • Read the article of Colbeck (2008) Professional Identity Development Theory and Doctoral Education. Then, use the "Pre-Class" blog page for week 1 (see "Pre 1" link above under Class Blogs) to write your thoughts, reactions and one question you would like us to explore in class by 9:00 pm Th. 09/05.
  • Read the preface of Discussion As a Way of Teaching, the book of Brookfield and Preskill (2005).

Optional VideoTeaching in America: A guide for International Faculty from the Harvard's Bok Center for teaching and learning.
Optional Readings: Defining Scholarship for the Twenty-First Century by (Diamond-2002) | Beyond Scholarship Reconsidered: Toward an Enlarged Vision of the Scholarly Work of Faculty Members by Rice (2002).


Wk 02 - 09/13 - Teaching for Learning: An Overview

Reading 1: Wirth and Perkins (2010). Learning to Learn (Blog entry Pre-2a deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 09/12).
Reading 2: Barr and Tagg (1995): From Teaching to Learning: A new Paradigm for Undergraduate Education (Blog entry Pre-2b deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 09/12).

Optional: Acknowledging Learning Styles of Diverse Student Populations: Implication for Instructional Design by Anderson and Adams (1992) | Inquiry as a Tool in Critical thinking by King (1994) | Questioning Techniques for the Active Classroom by Hansen (1994).


Wk 03 - 09/20 - Instructors' Nationality & Culture and Gender

Reading 1: Dedoussis (2007) Through the Eyes of a Third Country Faculty is a memoir contrasting expectations of the roles of the professor and the role of the students in universities across the globe (Blog entry deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 09/19).
Reading 2: Mamiseishvili (2010) found significant differences between foreign-born and US-born women faculty in their pattern of engagement in Academia (Blog entry deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 09/19).

Optional: Mamiseishvili and Rosser (2010) found that international faculty members were significantly more productive in research, but less productive in teaching and service than their U.S. citizen colleagues | Kim et al., (2012) International Faculty in American Universities: Experiences of Academic Life, Productivity, and Career Mobility is an article that presents survey results demonstrating the contribution of international faculty to institutions of higher education in the U.S. and provides some perspectives on professional experience and career mobility.


Wk 04 - 09/27 - Undergraduate and Graduate Students' Nationality and Culture | Advisor - Advisee Relations

Reading 1: Zhao et al., (2005) found differences in academic engagement of foreign-born and US-born undergraduate students (Blog entry deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 09/26).
Reading 2: Rice et al., (2009): International Student Perspectives on Graduate Advising Relationships (Blog entry deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 09/26).


Wk 05 - 10/04 - Undergraduates: Privileges (Stereotype Threat) and Invisible Differences (First Generation College Students)

Reading 1Steele (1997) How stereotypes shape intellectual identity and performance (Blog deadline: 9:00 pm Th. 10/03).
Reading 2Stephens et al., (2012) Culture of "independent" on university campus is a stressor for first-generation students (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/03).

Optional 1Lee (2007) Neo-Racism Towards International Students.
Optional 2: In an eye-opening article, Jayakumar (2009) indicated that the US, faculty of color take on greater teaching, mentoring, service, and administrative/committee responsibilities than do white faculty.


Wk 06 - 10/11 - Introduction to Learning Theories and implications for Classroom Design

Reading 1: Wattiaux (2015) provides an overview of two prevalent learning theories and explores the implications for classroom instructional design (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/10)
Reading 2: Sfard (1998) Two metaphors: the Acquisition Metaphor (AM) and the Participation Metaphor (PM) are used to illustrate prevalent learning theories, arguing that both are necessary but taken separately neither one is sufficient to describe the learning process (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/10).

Optional: Go to the video page of this site to see Vygostky's zone of proximal development "in action" (12 min.)


Wk 07 - 10/18 - Taking a Scientific Approach to Science and Engineering Education

Recording: Go to the video page of this site and view the video of Carl Wieman, Nobel Laureate (in Physics) on Taking a Scientific Approach to Science and Engineering Education (62 min.). Please beware that the producer of the video wrongly mixed the audio (voice) and visual (slides) of the presenter (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/17) | Pdf of Weiman's powerpoint slides is available here.
Reading: Craig and Amernic (2006) PowerPoint Presentation and Teaching Dynamics (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/17).

OptionalGier and Kreiner (2009) provides an example of an attempt to incorporate active learning with PowerPoint-based lectures. Can it be done?


Wk 08 - 10/25 - In-class Active Learning and Outside of class Learning Techniques

Reading 1Freeman et al., (2014) present a meta-analysis of 225 studies in the STEM disciplines comparing traditional lecture to lecture mixed with in-class learning activities (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/24).
Reading 2Dunlosky et al. (2013) Improving Students' Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive Psychology  (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/24).

Optional 1: Smith et al., (2009) Peer-Discussion Improves Student Performance on In-Class Concept Questions (optional ).
Optional 2Crouch and Mazur (2001)  summarized "Ten Years of Experience with Peer-Instruction: students helping each other learn in the classroom". 
Optional 3Lecture from a Convert (On-line recorded presentation of Dr. Eric Mazur).


Wk 09 - 11/01 - Excellence vs. Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)

Reading 1Kreber (2002) will help us differentiate excellence from expertise and scholarly teaching. (Blog deadline: 9:00 pm Th. 10/31).
Reading 2Wattiaux (2006) will provide us with an example of documenting a scholarly project: The transition from a lecture to a discussion-based undergraduate course. (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 10/31).

Optional : Wattiaux (2015) (power presentation); Invited presentation at professional meetings on: "Best" Research Methods in Teaching.


Wk 10 - 11/08 - Using Assessment to Guide Instruction

Reading 1Shepard (2000) will provide us with historical, somewhat theoretical but insightful perspectives on Classroom Assessment (Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 11/07).
Reading 2: Classroom Assessment Techniques (CATs)? | Field Tested Assessment Guide (FLAG) | Assessing Classroom Discussion: Brookfield (2010)(Blog deadline: 7:00 pm Th. 11/07).


ISIF Course Schedule and Material 
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Michel W. in Effective Teaching | Internationally Diverse CC
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