Using Infoblox Smart Folders for searching / deleting

Infoblox Smart Folders can be used for quick searching and some bulk operations across multiple zones.

From the Infoblox UI:

Select “Smart Folders” at the top of the page

Select the "+ Create" icon.

As an example, if you are searching for all hosts that start with a particular string, such as '', '', '', etc.

“Choose Filter” dropdown – select “Name”

The next box, “begins with”

Final box, “wwwtest”


All records that start with ‘wwwtest’ will now be displayed.

At this point you can select on individual records for modification. If your goal is to delete multiple records without clicking into individual zones, You can select the checkbox for all appropriate records and then use the interdiction symbol icon to delete the selected records.

Note there are “My Smart Folders” and “Global Smart Folders” – if you choose to save a search for use later you’ll need to select the appropriate scope prior to starting. Only administrative users will have the ability to save into "Global Smart Folders".

More extensive documentation about Smart Folders can be found in the Infoblox Admin guide in Chapter 3.

smart folders bulk delete 
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Tim C. in DDI
DNS, DHCP, and IPAM, Systems & Network Control Center