Lumen Structures: Forms and Actions

The Lumen Structures form is for items that require governance approval that fall outside the scope of the Lumen Programs form. These items will have their own process and form, but are submitted through Lumen Structures the same way. See each section for instructions on how to fill out the form, plus the steps that need to be followed for each type of approval.

As a general note, proposers should be in contact with their school/college academic planners and DAPIR early in the process of developing items submitted through Lumen Structures.

Workflow: The standard workflow associated with all Lumen Structures proposals is: Department -> School/College -> DAPIR. At the DAPIR step, additional steps may be added (vested interest, DARS, Graduate School, Registrar's Office) if there are additional parties that need to approve or participate in the completion of the proposal.


Edit School/College Requirements

Shared content in Guide that requires any level of governance approval will need to be recorded through the Lumen Structures Proposal form. This will include the undergraduate school/college requirements and any other shared content that exists on a governed content controlled tab in Guide. Changes will need to be done either through a track changes document (preferred, see example) OR a marked up copy of the existing content (see example). All shared content will be edited by the Office of the Registrar around the time of the publication.

  1. Whenever a change is needed, look for the appropriate school/college/division and click the "Edit Program" button. 
  2. In the "Request Details" field, enter the shared content name for the item that is being updated. If changes to multiple shared content blocks is needed, add them all to a single change proposal. See page titles below.* If there are multiple items on the same proposal, name the document as the title of the shared content page. Enter the term in which the changes should take effect.
  3. Attach the track changes document.
  4. Save and Start Workflow.

See shared content pages in the Guide shared content list.


Notice of Intent / Request for Authorization to Plan

The Request for Authorization to Plan, also referred to as the Notice of Intent (NOI), is the first step in the planning/approval process for a new degree/major. The NOI is a short written proposal (3-6 pages) that highlights of key features of the program being proposed. Before starting the new degree/major proposal process it is best to review the overall process for proposing and planning a new degree/major program. Programs should use the UW System NOI template (Part A) and upload it into a new Lumen Structures proposal. Those preparing documentation should have their school/college dean’s office contact and DAPIR contact review the draft NOI. The NOI document should ultimately be entered into Lumen Structures. Logging into Lumen Structures requires a UW-Madison Net-ID and password and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA). Please include any governance approvals in the "Request Details" box; a good example: Gender & Women's Studies PHD.

Follow these instructions once you are logged in: 

  1. Click "Create a Structures Proposal"
  2. In the "Request Type" select "Notice of Intent (new degree/major)"
  3. Choose the department that will be the owner of the new degree major. This question determines the workflow.
  4. In the title field enter: [Degree][space]-[space][Degree Name] Example: "BABS - Data Science" or "MS - Applied Biotechnology"
  5. In the “Request Details” box, provide a summary of the kind of proposal you are entering, the name, and any key information for reviewers to see up front.
  6. Upload the NOI document into the "Upload Form" field. Upload both a pdf version for use with UAPC and an MS-Word version to be edited for circulation to the UW provosts.
  7. If you are partially finished, click the “Save Changes” box at the bottom and continue later. You can keep making changes or have other people review your work.
  8. When you are finished and ready to submit, click the “Save and Start Workflow” button.

As for all academic program proposals, the NOI must be approved by the home department, school/college, GFEC for graduate programs, and UAPC for all programs. For NOIs, DAPIR subsequently handles the required circulation to other UW provosts and System approval.

Once DAPIR receives approval from UW-System, the approval documentation will be added to the Lumen Structures Proposal. The proposal will then be completed and an email will automatically generate to the original proposer indicating the completion of the NOI proposal (Lumen Structures) and that the approvals are ready to be added to the Lumen Program proposal. The NOI document and the UW System Approval Memo will need to be uploaded Lumen Programs by the proposer from the department/school/college. The full Lumen Programs proposal can be started before NOI approval is completed.

Updated: 11/30/2023

Change CIP Code

CIP (Classification if Instructional Programs) may only be updated for a fall semester, as they have huge implications on student financial aid and reporting. If a program would like to update the plan CIP code, they will need to fill out this form. Changes will only go into effect for a future dated fall term. See the CIP Code KB for more help. To see the approval process, see the UW-Madison Academic Program Approval Overview. The process of changing a CIP code is as follows:

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Change CIP code"
  3. Select the home department of the plan (this should match the Lumen Programs). It will not automatically populate from Lumen Programs.
  4. In the "Title" field enter: Plan Code and Program Name
  5. Upload the form (listed above) into the "upload form" field.
  6. Upload additional approvals documented by memo into the "Supporting Documents."
  7. Save and start workflow.

Note: Either in the form (step #5 above) or in the memo (#6 above), it's important to include the full description of both the current and proposed CIP code. Descriptions are available from the National Center for Education Statistics website. In addition, it's important to provide specific evidence supporting the change. For example, common rationale for a CIP code change include changes in curriculum and/or changes in Program Learning Outcomes. In addition to giving this rationale for the change, it is very important to explicitly state how the new curriculum better aligns with the proposed CIP, and/or which new/revised Program Learning Outcomes have changed and thus suggest the CIP change. In summary, please provide the rationale and the evidence.

Add Professional School Code to a Grad Certificate

Any graduate certificate can be completed by students that are in the Law, Medical, Pharmacy, or Veterinarian careers. When the graduate certificates are approved through governance, the SIS codes are created for the Graduate career (GCRTXXX) but not the other careers (LCRT, MCRT, PCRT, VCRT). If a student in either the Law, Med, Pharm, or Vet career wants to declare a graduate/professional certificate but the code does not exist in SIS, a structures form needs to be submitted to create the code in SIS. Fill out this form and submit through the structures proposal (download for form functionality). The code will be added in SIS for the next available term.

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Add professional school code to a grad certificate"
  3. Select the home department of the plan (this should match the Lumen Programs). It will not automatically populate from Lumen Programs.
  4. In the "request details," enter the initial approval information (if approved prior to Lumen Programs).
    1. example: UAPC December 2012.
  5. In the Title field enter: The name of the Graduate Certificate
  6. Upload the form (listed above) into the "upload form" field.
  7. Save and start workflow.

Add a joint degree/additional major at the Graduate level (MMAJ or DMAJ)

If a Masters or Doctoral program would like to offer an additional major/joint degree, they must fill out a Lumen Structures form, also uploading a copy of the "Lumen Structures: Add a Joint Degree / Additional Major at the Graduate Level" form to the Structures proposal. The form to upload is a fillable PDF. The proposal to add an MMAJ or DMAJ code should NOT go through Lumen Programs. A request for a joint degree will be prompted by student demand. The Graduate School will determine the requirements for the individual student. Once approved, other graduate students will be able to declare the joint degree. The soonest the SIS code will be available is the next semester after the approval. Joint degrees are reviewed and administratively approved by the Graduate School, and require UAPC approval (a consent agenda item).

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Add a joint degree/additional major at the Graduate level (MMAJ or DMAJ"
  3. Select the home department of the plan (this should match the Lumen Programs). It will not automatically populate from Lumen Programs.
  4. In the "request details," enter provide the rationale for the joint degree and the vetting process.
  5. In the "Title" field enter: [the major] + [MMAJ or DMAJ, depending on which degree is being requested]; example: "Geography MMAJ"
  6. Upload the "Lumen Structures: Add a Joint Degree / Additional Major at the Graduate Level" form to the "upload form" field.
  7. Save and start workflow.
    1. Workflow needs Grad School Admin and UAPC Approver added for approvals.

Add a Special Committee Degree Named Option

Special graduate committee degrees are one-of-a-kind degrees built around unique needs of individual students that cannot be satisfied by approved programs (e.g., by existing major program/minor combinations, joint degrees, distributed minors, etc.) and may permit individual degrees in new and emerging fields or combinations of disciplines. The codes generally are individualized per student and will be discontinued once that student earns the award. The request will be entered in Lumen Structures through this form. See the Graduate School's website for more information. The SIS code will be available the following semester after the approval. Special Committee Degrees are only available for: MA, MS, and PhD. All students declared will earn a "Special Graduate Committee MA/MS/PHD" in the named option proposed.

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Add a Special Committee Degree Named Option"
  3. Select the home department of the plan (this should match the Lumen Programs). It will not automatically populate from Lumen Programs.
  4. In the "Title" field enter:
  5. Upload the form (listed above) into the "upload form" field.
  6. Save and start workflow.
    1. Workflow needs Grad School Admin and UAPC Approver added for approvals.

Elementary Education Minors

If a student declared in the Elementary Education/Special Education EED dual progarm (EESP101/EESP387) needs to declare an Elementary Education Minor, a proposal needs to be submitted to create a new plan code under the EEDSP SIS program code. The code will be added in SIS for the next term that has not started.

  1. Edit this proposal:
  2. In the "request details," enter the initial approval information (if approved prior to Lumen Programs).
    1. example: UAPC December 2012.
  3. In the Title field enter: the plan code and the transcript title after "Education Minor: "
  4. No form is required, entering a blank document in the form field is okay.
  5. Save and start workflow.


New Department

When establishing a new department, consult DAPIR's website for instructions and the form required for uploading into Lumen Structures. See The Departments and Department-like Academic Units Definition, Privileges, Responsibilities, and Process for Approvals Knowledge Base for help. To see the approval process, see the UW-Madison Academic Program Approval Overview. New departments go into effect based on fiscal years (summer term).

  1. Create a proposal including all elements found in the approved Guidelines for Departments or Department-like Units. The approval steps follow FPP Ch.5.02.C.
  2. Click "Create a Structures Proposal"
  3. In the "Request Type" select "New Department"
  4. In the "Home Department" select the School or College that department will reside within.
  5. In the "Title field" enter the department name.
  6. Upload the proposal in the "Upload Form" field.
  7. Upload all governance approval documents (memos) in the Supporting Documents.
  8. Save and Start Workflow.

Change a Department

When changing department, consult DAPIR's website for instructions and the form required for uploading into Lumen Structures. See The Departments and Department-like Academic Units Definition, Privileges, Responsibilities, and Process for Approvals Knowledge Base for help. Also when changing a department, the Department ID codes also need to be updated. Include in the proposal a department action request form to initiate changes in Business Services. See their website for the most up to date form. To see the approval process, see the UW-Madison Academic Program Approval Overview. Department changes go into effect based on fiscal years (summer term).

  1. Create a proposal including all elements found in the approved Guidelines for Departments or Department-like Units. The approval steps follow FPP Ch.5.02.C.
  2. Click "Create a Structures Proposal"
  3. In the "Request Type" select "Change Department"
  4. In the "Home Department" select the current department name.
  5. In the "Title field" enter the current department name.
  6. Upload the proposal and the Department ID code form in the "Upload Form" field.
  7. Upload all governance approval documents (memos) in the Supporting Documents.
  8. Save and Start Workflow.

Discontinue a Department

When discontinuing a department, all items housed within the department must either be moved to a new academic home, or discontinued. An approval memo from the school/college should address any plans, sub-plans, subjects, and/or faculty. See The Departments and Department-like Academic Units Definition, Privileges, Responsibilities, and Process for Approvals Knowledge Base for help. To see the approval process, see the UW-Madison Academic Program Approval Overview
Departments discontinuations go into effect based on fiscal years (summer term).

  1. Create a proposal including all elements found in the approved Guidelines for Departments or Department-like Units. The approval steps follow FPP Ch.5.02.C.
  2. Click "Create a Structures Proposal"
  3. In the "Request Type" select "Discontinue Department"
  4. In the "Home Department" select the current department name.
  5. In the "Title field" enter the current department name.
  6. Upload the proposal/memo in the "Upload Form" field.
  7. Upload all governance approval documents (memos) in the Supporting Documents.
  8. Save and Start Workflow.


See the following Knowledgebase documents for help:


New Center or Institute

Official approval of centers is required because centers represent UW-Madison to the external community. The approval process involves peer review to assure that the center activity meets a defined academic need unmet by other structures, that faculty with an interest in the center activity have an opportunity to comment, and that the resource needs of and resource contributions to the center from various campus units are evaluated and vetted by appropriate governance bodies. See DAPIR's website for more information on Centers and Institutes and the policy on Establishing, Evaluating, and Changing Centers, Institutes and Center-like Units.

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "New Center or Institute"
  3. Select the home department. If the home department is within a school/college, select that as the department.
  4. In the "Title" field enter the proposed Center or Institute name.
  5. Upload the proposal based on the specifications listed in the Establishing, Evaluating, and Changing Centers, Institutes and Center-like Units policy.
  6. Upload additional approvals documented by memo into the "Supporting Documents."
  7. Save and start workflow.

Change a Center or Institute

Official approval of centers is required because centers represent UW-Madison to the external community. The approval process involves peer review to assure that the center activity meets a defined academic need unmet by other structures, that faculty with an interest in the center activity have an opportunity to comment, and that the resource needs of and resource contributions to the center from various campus units are evaluated and vetted by appropriate governance bodies. See DAPIR's website for more information on Centers and Institutes and the policy on Establishing, Evaluating, and Changing Centers, Institutes and Center-like Units.

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Change Center or Institute"
  3. Select the home department. If the school/college is the department, select the school/college as the department.
  4. In the "Title" field enter the Center or Institute's current name.
  5. Upload the proposal based on the specifications listed in the Establishing, Evaluating, and Changing Centers, Institutes and Center-like Units policy.
  6. Upload additional approvals documented by memo into the "Supporting Documents."
  7. Save and start workflow.

Discontinue a Center or Institute

Official approval of centers is required because centers represent UW-Madison to the external community. The approval process involves peer review to assure that the center activity meets a defined academic need unmet by other structures, that faculty with an interest in the center activity have an opportunity to comment, and that the resource needs of and resource contributions to the center from various campus units are evaluated and vetted by appropriate governance bodies. See DAPIR's website for more information on Centers and Institutes and the policy on Establishing, Evaluating, and Changing Centers, Institutes and Center-like Units.
  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Discontinue Center or Institute"
  3. Select the home department. If the home department is within a school/college, select that as the department.
  4. In the "Title" field enter the Center or Institute's current name.
  5. Upload the proposal based on the specifications listed in the Establishing, Evaluating, and Changing Centers, Institutes and Center-like Units policy.
  6. Upload additional approvals documented by memo into the "Supporting Documents."
  7. Save and start workflow.


Contractual (Instructional) Agreement

HLC Policy INST.F.20.040 requires that an institution obtain HLC approval if the institution plans to initiate a contractual arrangement in which the institution outsources some portion of its academic degree/major programs offered for academic credit (including instruction, oversight of the curriculum, assurance of the consistency in the level and quality of instruction and in expectations of student performance and/or the establishment of the academic qualifications for instructional personnel) to: an unaccredited institution; an institution that is not accredited by an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Department of Education; or a corporation or other entity. See the Approval of Contractual Arrangements for the Delivery of Credit Instruction kb for instructions, form, and approval process. See the Policy Library for the policy.

  1. Create a Structures Proposal.
  2. In the "Request Type" field, select "Contractual Instructional Agreement"
  3. Select the home department. If the home department is within a school/college, select that as the department.
  4. In the "Title" field enter the "Contractual Agreement: [partner name].
  5. Upload the proposal based on the specifications listed in the Approval of Contractual Arrangements for the Delivery of Credit Instruction protocol.
  6. Upload additional approvals documented by memo into the "Supporting Documents."
  7. Save and start workflow.


Third-Party Test Credit

The awarding of third-party test credits (AP/IB/A-Level/CLEP) is managed by the Credit Evaluation Services (CES) team in the Office of the Registrar. Credits are awarded for third-party tests based on the recommendations of subject matter experts in the departments and schools/colleges with final approval by the University Curriculum Committee. The review process occurs in TES, which includes detailed information about the third-party test, the UW-Madison course credit, and a workflow process. A Lumen Structures proposal is used to document the campus governance approval of the course credit awarded for these tests.


  1. CES initiates review to Dept. with test/course materials. (TES)
  2. Dept. sends decision to School or College or if Dept. 'click' approve it goes to CES and they can reassign to School or College. (TES)
  3. The School or College submits a Lumen Structures proposal using the Request Type of Third-Party Test Credit and approves to the "APIR Approver" step of workflow. (Lumen)
  4. The School or College uploads any relevant documentation and approves the proposal in TES.
  5. DAPIR routes the proposal through governance (UCC Agenda). (Lumen)
  6. DAPIR adds the third-party test credit to Guide. (Lumen)
  7. DAPIR advances the proposal to the Registrar-Student Services workflow step. (Lumen)
  8. CES builds rule in SIS.

Effective dates

Exams changes related to changes of an existing UW-Madison course equivalent, the implementation of the exam should align with the effective date of that course change. If the change is due to a change in the exam, the implementation would align with when the exam is changed.

  • New exams can be built in SIS immediately (no delay on implementation).
  • A-Level changes can be immediate unless the change is made due to a change to the UW-Madison course. In this case, the change should coincide with the effective date of the change to the UW-Madison course.
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) exams occur Nov 1 and May 1. Changes to exam equivalencies should coincide with either of these dates. The effective date related to courses (if changing) may be impacted by exam considerations.
  • Advanced Placement (AP) exams occur annually. Changes exam equivalencies should use the same effective date "June 01, XXXX."
  • The effective date related to courses (if changing) may be impacted by exam considerations.


The Lumen Structures proposals does not require a formal memos, but must include the following information:

  • Proposal Title:
    • [Establish/Change/Discontinuation]: [type of exam: AP, IB, CLEP, A-Level] [Additional identifying information]
  • Request Details:
    • Exam/Subject
    • Score
    • Course(s)
    • Credits
    • Additional information related to attributes/designations required: General Education, L&S Breadth, L&S Level.

Note: If the proposal is to change or discontinue, copying/pasting the content from Guide is recommended to ensure the accuracy of what is requested.


An example of the Lumen Structures Proposal detailing the request type, home department, school/college, title and request details including the above information.


Keywordslumen structures, instructions, NOI, Notice of Intent, Guide shared content, new department, department change, discontinue department, new subject, subject change, change CIP code   Doc ID86193
OwnerKaren M.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2018-10-02 13:00:17Updated2024-06-11 15:47:11
SitesLumen and Guide
Feedback  0   0