ECMS - Imaging User Account Deletion / Inactivation

User accounts in the Imaging system are deleted and inactivated manually or inactivated by an engineered automated process.

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Imaging User Account Deletion / Inactivation

User accounts in the Imaging system are deleted and inactivated manually or inactivated by an engineered automated process.

Manual Account Deletion or Inactivation / Leave of Absence Request

Imaging user account management is the responsibility of that Department's Department Lead (

  1. Account Deletion: Account deletions should be requested by the Department Lead as soon as possible when a user account needs to be removed, and should be done via a JIRA request (

  2. Account Inactivation: Department leads may request an account inactivation via JIRA if the user or their appointment will be on hiatus (e.g., Student summer break, Faculty sabbatical, etc). The Department Lead will need to make a JIRA request to reactivate the user's Imaging account.

Automated Account Inactivation

An automated process regularly reviews whether accounts in the Imaging system have active appointments in the Imaging system, if no appointment exists the user account is made inactive. The details of the process are:

  • The process runs weekly on Saturday nights on both Test and Production Imaging environments.
  • The process verifies that Imaging accounts have a matching active appointment in in an IAA data view provided by UW-Madison Middleware.
  • If no active appointment is found the user account is made 'Inactive' and the date and the time the account was inactivated is put in the user account contact information.
  • If an active appointment is found for the user the user account information for that account in Imaging is updated to match the user account information available via the IAA data view.
  • If an account has been inactivated for six months, its security groups will be removed.
  • An email receipt for all changes is sent to UW-Madison DoIT SecAuth.


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Douglas S. in ECMS
DoIT Help Desk, ECMS