CAE Password Policies

information on CAE policies relating to passwords

CAE policy is inline with the UW Madison password policy, which states that you cannot share your password for your personal CAE account. CAE staff will never ask for your password, and you should not give that information to anyone. Any email request for your password is not legitimate.

If you voluntarily share your password with anyone - including the CAE helpdesk- the password will be reset by CAE staff for security reasons, and account access may be suspended.

You can reset your password by following the instructions on the "Resetting the Account Password" article on the CAE Knowledgebase: .

Password sharing is allowed on a few specific types of CAE accounts. You may share the password for a role-based account (for example a department's student employee account) or a registered student organization's account. Please be aware that everyone who knows the password shares responsibility for the account. It is good security practice to change the password for these types of accounts when there is turnover in the people who use the account.

password sharing access reset account 
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Noel K. in CAE
Computer-Aided Engineering