PDRC Minutes 09-07-18

Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC)
September 2018 Minutes
Friday, September 7, 2018

Present: Steven Catania, Mary Lewitzke, Ken Niemeyer, Martha Reck (Chair), Eva Rakasz, Mary Russell, Brad Schantz, Christine Schultz

Absent: Kim  Bruksch- Meck, Nichlos Ewoldt, Jim Lacy, Jennifer Meier

1. Opened with Welcome and Introductions at 9:03am. 

2. Standing Committees- returning members provided descriptions of standing committee roles and responsibilities including times commitments and their experiences from previous years. 
a. PD Grants- all members review split between fall and spring, 2 chairs, brown bags each semester, use established criteria. Chairs for 18-19: Brad Schantz and Mary Russell
b. Awards- spring timeline, all members review usually two awards each, presented at ceremony in the spring. Chairs for 18-19:  Eva Rakasz and Steven Catania
c. Exec Ed Grants- spring timeline, small committee reviews. Chairs for 18-19: Mary Lewitzke and Chris Schultz

3. Discussed importance of understanding unconscious bias in our work and committee agreed that all members would review video on unconscious bias put together by the Office of Human Resources prior to grant and award review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noQK0WQ01X4 

4. Discussed interest from members last year to review materials and criteria for grants and awards. Decided to charge committee with reviewing all standing committee work this year. In October will review PD grant materials and criteria for review.  

5. Adjourned at 9:37am. 

PDRC Minutes  
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff