Campus Network Housing - Finding an Access Point Identifier

When the Help Desk is troubleshooting a Housing wired or wireless connectivity issue, the Help Desk will request the Housing Access Point Identifier. This document will discuss how to find and provide that identifier.
  1. First, locate the white aruba box in your residence hall room. It will look different depending on which residence hall you are located in. Instructions for locating it as well as pictures are available in Campus Network Housing - Identifying Hospitality Access Points

  2. On the front of the white Aruba box, there should be a sticker with some information on it (an example is listed below). On the sticker, there should be a series of words that begin with wa-. Provide this to the Help Desk. This will allow the Help Desk to find wireless configuration settings on your room's access point. In this example, we would provide wa-cssc-1150-2-access.

    HAP Front

KeywordsHospitality access points HAP HAPs aruba Chadbourne Smith Phillips Ogg ResNet Campus Network residence dorm resident UWNet Clearpass ethernet wifi identify find router WAP name   Doc ID87665
OwnerHelp Desk KB TeamGroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2018-11-09 13:43:08Updated2020-02-10 10:18:38
SitesDoIT Help Desk, UW Housing
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