Lumen Reporting and Available Tools

Tableau Vizualisations

Lumen Tools

The Lumen Tools is a Tableau workbook with visualizations providing information about proposals that are in-progress in the Lumen system.

  • Course Proposals: shows all course proposals currently in progress with filters related to the course owner and where the proposal is in the governance approval process. 
  • Program Proposals: shows all program proposals currently in progress with filters related to the program owner, the type of proposal and where it is in the governance approval and publication process. 
  • Red Box Report: Shows programs that utilize courses that may need resolution in one or more of the following: inactivation/discontinuation of a course; change of subject; change of catalog number; or new/unapproved course. These items, if not resolved, will result in the software using a "red-box" around the subject and catalog number combination indicating there is an issue with the course as entered.
  • Lumen/Guide Roles Directory: lists all Lumen/Guide workflow roles and their members filterable by school/college, department and roll type. Includes identifiers for who is a chair or dean an which members are no longer employed by the university.
  • Obsolete Course Proposal Process: shows all courses identified as obsolete per policy in progress for the current academic year and where the proposal is in the governance process. Includes filters for school/college/division, department, subject or cross-list, course title, and waiver status.
  • Suspended/Discontinued Programs: tracks academic programs (plans and subplans) that are in the process of being discontinued. Intended for the purpose of aiding schools and colleges with the processes necessary to close down a program.

Vendor Delivered Reporting

Workflow Roles

  1. Go to the Report Console  (this may take a minute or two to load)
  2. From the list on the left side of the page select Stock  then select Role Members
  3. Click the green Run Report  (this may take a minute or two to run)
A list of every person who is a member of any workflow role for Guide, Lumen Courses, Lumen Programs and Class Section Builder will be listed.
The list can be exported to Word or Excel using the Export button.  Note: when opening the MS Word or MS Excel document you will likely get a cautionary message warning you about a file format and extension mismatch.  This is not a problem and you should click ok and open the file.
screenshot of vendor delivered stock reporting options with a query result of role members

 Course Proposals Not Yet Submitted to Workflow

  1. Go to the Report Console  (this may take a minute or two to load)
  2. In the upper right corner, make sure that Lumen Course Proposal System is selected
  3. From the list on the left side of the page select Stock then select Stale Proposal
  4. Click the green Run Report  (this may take a minute or two to run)

This will produce a list of all course proposals not currently in workflow (this would include proposals that were submitted to workflow but were rolled back to the proposer and have not been resubmitted workflow). A status of Added means it is a proposal for a new course, Edited is a proposal for a change to an existing course.

The list can be sorted by any of the column headers by clicking on the header.

The column "First Edit" is used to identify courses that are not making timely progress toward approval.  Any proposal that was created (first edited) more than 180 days ago may be removed from the system. Some latitude is given for proposals that are older than that but have had recent activity or were in workflow but were then rolled back to the proposer. For more information, see the Policy on the Course Proposal Review Process - Purpose, Standards and Responsibilities.

The list can be exported to Word or Excel using the Export button. Note: when opening the MS Word or MS Excel document you will likely get a cautionary message warning you about a file format and extension mismatch.  This is not a problem and you should click ok and open the file.

Each entry on the report is linked to the proposal but this is a view only version. Users should navigate to the Lumen Course Proposal System and search for the course if they wish to edit it or submit it to workflow.  Once the report is exported to Word or Excel the links will not work.

Course Proposals Submitted to Workflow But Stalled

  1. Go to the Report Console  (this may take a minute or two to load)
  2. In the upper right corner, make sure that Lumen Course Proposal System is selected
  3. From the list on the left side of the page select Stock then select Stalled Proposal
  4. Click the green Run Report  (this may take a minute or two to run)
This will produce a list of all course proposals that are currently in workflow.  The Next Signoff column indicates where the proposal is currently at in workflow.  PeopleSoft means it is at the Registrar's Office. CrosslistedSubjs means the course is crosslisted and currently waiting for one or more crosslisted subjects to approve. CrosslistedCols means the proposal needs one or more school/colleges of a crosslisted course to sign off.
The Days in Workflow column is used to identify courses that are not making timely progress toward final approval. Any proposal that was submitted to workflow more than 365 days ago may be removed from the system. For more information, see the Policy on the Course Proposal Review Process - Purpose, Standards and Responsibilities.
The list can be exported to Word or Excel using the Export button. Note: when opening the MS Word or MS Excel document you will likely get a cautionary message warning you about a file format and extension mismatch. This is not a problem and you should click ok and open the file.
Each entry on the report is linked to the proposal but this is a view only version.  Users should navigate to the Lumen Course Proposal System and search for the course if they wish to edit it or submit it to workflow.  Once the report is exported to Word or Excel the links will not work.

KeywordsLumen Reports, Console, Courseleaf, Lumen Data, Lumen Tools   Doc ID87779
OwnerMelissa S.GroupLumen and Guide
Created2018-11-15 14:29:31Updated2022-09-14 09:45:26
SitesLumen and Guide
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