University Committee Meeting Minutes 2018-10-29

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 11/05/2018
UC members present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
Others present: S. Smith, A. Goyal, J. Richard, J. Smith, H. Daniels, G. Bump

Chair Rick Amasino called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. Terry Warfield reported back on the Big 10 shared governance meeting, noting that we remain at the forefront in this area and need to remain vigilant. He also noted that structures vary widely across the Big 10. It will soon be Madison’s turn for this annual conference. Amasino introduced the new ASM shared governance chair, Amol Goyal. There will be no November 2018 BoR meeting. The public comment period for the UWS policy on program productivity has begun and runs through early December. The minutes of the meeting of October 22, 2018, were approved. The UC reviewed and approved by consensus the November 2018 indexing of faculty promotional base increases.

DoIT staff members Tamara Walker and Tom Jordan, accompanied by CIO Lois Brooks, updated the UC on plans for rollout of multifactor authentication across campus. Ample discussion and many questions followed. The UC discussed and edited materials for the upcoming Faculty Senate meeting. Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf discussed the joint Madison-Extension UC memo on next steps for the merger, agreeing that there are many things that will have to go through governance yet. Discussion on other topics followed, including senate materials and the fact that Mangelsdorf will not be able to make the Senate meeting.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank reported on last week’s AAU meetings, much of which centered around security issues (including topics such as unlawful presence, visas, international students, etc.) that leadership will be looking into vis-à-vis this campus in the coming months. Blank also updated the UC on several upcoming events, including a vigil to recognize the Pittsburgh shootings, student leader reception at Olin House, the Diversity Forum, and the chancellor’s advisory committee. There was ample discussion throughout on these topics and also about senate materials and notably for some time about online education opportunities.

Kirsten Wolf moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and passed at 2:56 p.m. The UC considered and unanimously approved a 2-year leave of absence. The UC discussed possible faculty members to serve on the joint UW-UWS TTC council and on a search and screen committee for the next Dean of Students. Terry Warfield moved to reconvene in open session to adjourn. The motion was seconded and approved at 3:14 p.m., at which point Amasino said “ok,” effectively adjourning the meeting.

University committee 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty