Canvas - Configuring Brain Atlas [UW-Madison]

Brain Atlas is a custom Canvas plug-in developed by UW-Madison's Teaching and Research Academic Development (TRAD) service. This document describes how to add, remove, or troubleshoot the Brain Atlas tool in your Canvas course.

Brain Atlas is configured in Canvas as an external app and accessed through the course navigation menu.

Adding Brain Atlas to a Course

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course and select Settings from the navigation bar.
    Canvas settings icon
  2. Choose the Apps tab.
    Canvas apps tab
  3. The External Apps page will come up. Click the View App Configurations button.
    "View App configurations" button
  4. Click the red + App button.
    +App button (add app)
  5. Edit the Add App form as below.
    • Configuration Type: By URL
    • Name: Brain Atlas
    • Config URL:
    • Leave the Consumer Key and Shared Secret fields blank

    "Add app" popup menu with required fields (listed above)
  6. Submit the change.
  7. If you have previously configured a version of Brain Atlas to your course, you will be asked whether you want to continue. Click Yes, install tool.
    "Yes, install tool" prompt

After completing these steps, Brain Atlas link will be added to your course navigation bar. Students can click on the link to launch Brain Atlas.

Removing Brain Atlas from a Course

  1. Navigate to your Canvas course and select Settings from the navigation bar.
    Canvas settings icon
  2. Choose the Apps tab.
    Canvas apps tab
  3. The External Apps page will come up. Click the View App Configurations button.
    "view app configurations" button
  4. Find Brain Atlas and click the gear button. Select Delete.
    Gear menu beside "Brain Atlas" is open with "delete" selected"
  5. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Click Delete.
    Confirm you want to delete Brain Atlas

Troubleshooting Brain Atlas Configuration

The Brain Atlas navigation link will redirect to an error page if Brain Atlas is configured wrong. For example, if your current course was copied from a previous semester, Brain Atlas may be configured to outdated specifications.

To fix this, remove Brain Atlas from your course and re-add it with the specifications above. If you continue to encounter errors, contact the DoIT Help Desk.

canvas brain atlas lti integration apps tool communication sciences disorders cs&d neurology 
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