Phishing Email Reporting
Instructions for reporting phishing attempts
Per UW-Madison procedures (
To report general phishing emails, go to To report phishing emails that appear to be from within the UW-Madison campus, go to Report an Incident or forward the email to You can also submit offending email using the report spam feature within the web or desktop email client.
If the email is from a address, please forward the email to as described above. Otherwise, follow the instructions below:
Outlook users
- Open the message and click the down arrow next to Report Message
- Choose what option you wish to use: Junk, Phishing, Not Junk
Outlook on the web and Outlook for Mac users
- Open the message and click the Report button
- Select Report Phishing or Report Junk
Outlook mobile app
- Open the message and tap the ellipsis (...) in upper right corner.
- Tap Report Junk
- Tap Junk or Phishing